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Gaofen 4: World's most powerful GeoSpy Satellite continues China's leap in Space.

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World faster supercomputer and now world best surveillance satellite. And plus with jhungary this kind of self denial American. No wonder China is slowly beating USA in many area. :enjoy:

It a short matter of time China replace USA as sole superpower.

When the world's sharpest GEO Spy Satellite doing "Monitoring" job, the world fastest Supercomputer will take care "Tracking" part of business. It's the SYSTEM that counts. Arguing "monitoring vs tracking" is silly.

You are the one trying to be a smartarse here.
Like any sports, no one wants to play with someone who wants to be both player and referee. So don't quote me again if you continue to give people negative rating when losing an argument.

That doesn't sound very fair to me.
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Oh, you mean this difference. Literally speaking, there is no difference according to the English I learned

observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under systematic review.
"equipment was installed to monitor air quality"
synonyms: observe, watch, keep an eye on, keep track of, track, keep under observation, keep watch on, keep under surveillance, surveil, check, keep a check on, scan, examine, study, record, note, oversee, supervise, superintend;
Whatever English you learned, keep its colloquialism out of technical issues.

In designing ANYTHING, precise language is necessary from the high level philosophical construct of that 'anything' and becomes even more important when it descends to the nitty-gritty engineering lower levels.

For example...

In radar detection, to monitor an area of interest (AOI) is to simply point a radar at that area. The radar system may or may not have mechanisms to alert for any changes, but that was not the high philosophical construct in the first place. In fact, the alert mechanism may be a human operator whose job it is to stare at the display for hrs. Monitoring is the easiest thing to do.

To track is a much philosophically and technically more challenging issues. To 'track' means to, not only monitor, but to distinguish specific target characteristics so that one can monitor and record whatever the target is doing. In essence, at the engineering level, to track requires a base of target characteristics, monitoring processes, and recording processes. Tracking a target is a looping process. Now add in the time factor. Do you want this loop to execute every day, or every hr, or every minute, or every second ? The closer the time gaps between each loop execution, the more resources requires.

The analogy is to point a radar at an AOI, give the human operator instructions to watch for any target that travels at 500 km/hr, a sheet of paper for him to record those targets, and to execute that loop every day/hr. The reality is that such was the EXACT thing we did in the early days of radar.

...good enough to track aircraft carriers in near real time from space.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/gaofen-4...es-chinas-leap-in-space.436720/#ixzz4CoetJ1Yu
This kind of language is where/when those of us who had to execute the engineering involved -- laughs.

For starter, what are the target characteristics ?

Speed ? An aircraft carrier can move as slow as a dingy. Of course, when launching aircrafts, the carrier will have to sail into the wind at higher speed but by this time, it may be too late for whatever responses you may have if the execution loop is far apart enough from each other. The words 'real time' does not mean much. If the execution loop is one hr apart, that is real time as far as the tracking process is concerned. But for the humans, if target dislocation, 2D or 3D, is not noted, then calling the system 'real time' is irrelevant. The machine knows the target changed from hr to hr, but the general who is responsible for responses is in bed and is not noted of those changes, the words 'real time' is meaningless. That is what 'real time' really mean.

Shape ? In general, an oil tanker and an aircraft carrier have some shape similarities. The distinguishing features will require high details resolution. That means you have to take high resolution photos of literally every target in the AOI and compares each against a data base, assign each numerical value, then filter out some values.

So at the high philosophical level, I have already outline the differences between 'monitoring' and 'tracking' without using a single math equation or a single line of code.
When the world's sharpest GEO Spy Satellite doing "Monitoring" job, the world fastest Supercomputer will take care "Tracking" part of business. It's the SYSTEM that counts. Arguing "monitoring vs tracking" is silly.

Do tell me exactly how supercomputer can track target??

Target Recognition is not a bunch of algorithm you can preform and get it right every time. Have you done any tracking work to know what it is to involve in a tracking operation?

The term "Monitor" and "Tracking" is very much different in the sense of military terminology category, it require a dude and a monitor to monitor or survey a general area, it require a team of expert to gather and study resource and data to track someone or something.

If your supercomputer is that good, you would have been able to track down MH-370 and buried the 154 Chinese in it and not doing what it does now. The fact that regardless on how developed modern technology is today and we still lose track on something as big as a Boeing 777 that in itself should have been telling you something.

You are honestly quite silly to say "Arguing "monitoring vs tracking" is silly" when you have zero idea how ISTAR works.
nice stuff, dont know how many years will it take for America to catch-up :lol:

You do know the US have their own Geosynchronous Satellite since 2008, right?? It's actually the Chinese catching up with the US, not the other way around........
Popular Science: Gaofen 4, The World's Most Powerful GEO Spy Satellite
"The GEO orbit of Gaofen 4 means that it can maintain continuous coverage of Chinese territory and surrounding areas. It's also the most powerful GEO satellite, good enough to track aircraft carriers in near real time from space."

It is very funny to those who think they know of better wording than the editor at Popular Science, whose magazine has been translated into over 30 languages and is distributed to at least 45 countries.
whatever makes you feel happy kid ``lol

Oh, no, no, no....Whatever make YOU happy


If you say this list never happens will make you feel happy, then this list never happened

or these news never happens.


Well, whatever floats your boat, man
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