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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Several groups in the southern front negotiating with the government about giving up arms. Daraa militant council trying to stop reconciliation Jaish islam suffer losses as counter attack fails. Things keep getting worse for the rebel, is king Salman in comatose :o:

Another cache


saudi hate cleric turned warlord who also preys on refugees in syria using sexual fantasies to stimulate his men for the desperate battle to reopen aleppo.

This moron is peddling a lost cause, there is no 'epic battle' taking place, like the kind of religious terminology he gives it. They are going to lose the battle, the 'revolution' is done and over and failed. Might as well surrender arms, and gain amnesty from the government. He's calling people to death, for whatever foreign state agenda he has, that is very obvious ....
This moron is peddling a lost cause, there is no 'epic battle' taking place, like the kind of religious terminology he gives it. They are going to lose the battle, the 'revolution' is done and over and failed. Might as well surrender arms, and gain amnesty from the government. He's calling people to death, for whatever foreign state agenda he has, that is very obvious ....
What happened to you...
anyway here's your idiocy out the window.

Rebels have taken over half of 1070 district (aka Al Nasr) at the time of this post. By nightfall, W Aleppo could very well be under siege, as there is no regime supply line through Mallah yet. Whole reason rebels lost Mallah was it was open to lots and lots of artillery, no reason that could be the very same reason regime cannot have a supply route there. Have a good day. Or an aneurysm from the stress, if you really love supporting regime so much, since they are about to lose a battle they supposedly won. :)

Whenever the battle finishes, Jaysh al Fateh and Fateh Halab will come out victorious, Inshallah. And this battle is more than just breaking the siege.

Update: Rebels have taken all of 1070 apartments.
They have taken Tall Mahruqat and and going into sharfiyah

Very good news to come tomorrow, inshallah. All you Assadists cheering victory have no idea what's to come yet :)
Civilians in East Aleppo helped rebel groups by burning tires, much of Aleppo now is covered in black smoke, halting regime airstrikes.



Two reasons why JaF has victories: Unity, and

Preparations before the battle, T-55, T-72, BMPs among vehicles used, along with what seems to be a DIY armored car.
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