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Extremly negative perceptions of refugees in Turkey

I also stated my opinion on the matter...the government jumped head first into one of the most idiotic foreign policy decisions in modern Turkish history. You can't just let in 3 million people by snapping your fingers. One way or another a big chunk of these refugees will leave, these surveys prove that if the government doesn't throw them out then when the last drop of patience has run out we, the people, will. I hope they take hint and start undoing this mess as well.

Ahmet Davutoglu nun stratejik sicmigini daha yeni temizlemeye baslayabildik, o adama birak makam Karayollari Genel Mudurlugunde cayci gorevi bile vermeyeceksin. Gitsin pasa pasa Bogazicinde hocaligini yapsin ve "Stratejik Derinlik" denen o kitabini son gelismeleri goz onunde bulundurarak yeniden (duzelterek) yazsin
But make no mistake, citizenship will not be given to all of each 3 million Syrians. Only for those that want to stay and meet some, albeit lousy, criteria. Still am not optimistic about it though.
But make no mistake, citizenship will not be given to all of each 3 million Syrians. Only for those that want to stay and meet some, albeit lousy, criteria. Still am not optimistic about it though.

Why shouldn't they want Turkish citizenship? They're gonna have both Turkish & Syrian citizenship if it happens...That's good for them, they aren't gonna miss that chance.

They're all gonna get citizenship after some point cause they're not going anywhere.
Why shouldn't they want Turkish citizenship? They're gonna have both Turkish & Syrian citizenship if it happens...That's good for them, they aren't gonna miss that chance.

They're all gonna get citizenship after some point cause they're not going anywhere.
I have seen some shows on tv where they interviewed Syrian refugees. The majority said they would go back (i hope the majority of the non-interviewed refugees think like this too). It's a chance for them, as you said. So we shall see, i'm not optimistic though. Imo better to send them back after the war and get rid of a headache/potential problems in the future.
I have seen syrian men in turkish coffee shops looking at turkish girls like animals, no respect at all.

I have talked to a syrian guy who said turkey is killing syrians by bombing syria, when he should be thanking us.

And most recently the democracy event in Istanbul, did you see the syrian flags?
In earlier demonstrations I see syrian flags as well.

Now they are nationalistic? coward scum

Kick them out, they can't even hold the turkish flag.

And whats up with the baby making, they don't even care for their childrens future, you think they will care for Turkey?
If their own co religionist don't like them how can you expect Western societies to have a welcoming view of these refugees.

I guess Western people having a negative view of refugees are xenophobic, racist but Turks are not. Give me a break..
You can have a big break.
Ever been to Turkiye,seen the ''refugees''?
They think they own the place.
Nobody but Turks own Turkiye,if you want them,take them but i dont think they would want to go to your country.
So,next time when you think you are smart by commenting on issues you dont know nothing of,dont be a smartazz and do some research first.
Now,go troll somewhere else.
Turkey needs a Trump and build a giant wall across it's southern and eastern borders, and make the Arabian Nations pay for it. ... Make sure to ask China for help. :agree: :super::fans::fans:

Ok, I'm done, that was fun. :blink:

You can have a big break.
Ever been to Turkiye,seen the ''refugees''?
They think they own the place.
Nobody but Turks own Turkiye,if you want them,take them but i dont think they would want to go to your country.
So,next time when you think you are smart by commenting on issues you dont know nothing of,dont be a smartazz and do some research first.
Now,go troll somewhere else.

Don't you think there would've been far less refugees in Erdo didn't pour in so many arms and terrorists into Syria, you'd have less refugees. But he didn't and this is the result, if you complain point you fingers the right direction.
Don't you think there would've been far less refugees in Erdo didn't pour in so many arms and terrorists into Syria, you'd have less refugees. But he didn't and this is the result, if you complain point you fingers the right direction.
You could say the same about Iran,Iran sent fighters with the weapons so,lets point fingers in that direction to,shall we?
You think that if Erdogan did that,he did it without the US knowing or asking to do so?
I and many other Turks were always against interference in Syria ,from the beginning.
We should have stayed out of it but we didnt and we have to deal with the consquences,unfortunately.
You could say the same about Iran,Iran sent fighters with the weapons so,lets point fingers in that direction to,shall we?
You think that if Erdogan did that,he did it without the US knowing or asking to do so?
I and many other Turks were always against inteference in Syria ,from the beginning.
We should have stayed out of it but we didnt and we have to deal with the consquences,unfortunately.

US never was good for any country in the region, they always interfered. Initiated/supported a coup in Iran and Iraq, invaded/bombed other countries, imposed heavy sanctions, sent arms to terrorists to overthrow regimes etc. All this done with the help of neighboring countries.

Iraq's invasion couldn't happen without neighboring countries.The Syrian civil war (if it even had happened) would be minor and over by now if not for neighbors flooding the country with arms and foreign terrorists. You underestimate the stake neighbors hold in this case. It's not like Erdo was innocently following US policy, he has his own personal agenda partially motivated by retarded religious belief and dislike for a certain sect as he made clear in an interview.
Iraq's invasion couldn't happen without neighboring countries
Turkiye didnt allow the US to use its airbases or attack from its soil during the invasion.
The Syrian civil war (if it even had happened) would be minor and over by now if not for neighbors flooding the country with arms and foreign terrorists
Over how,Assad killing all of those against his regime?
. You underestimate the stake neighbors hold in this case.
Yes,also Iraq is one of those neighbours.
he has his own personal agenda partially motivated by retarded religious belief and dislike for a certain sect as he made clear in an interview.
You are doing the same,i dont see you talking about the innocent killed by Assad.
Turkiye didnt allow the US to use its airbases or attack from its soil during the invasion.

Over how,Assad killing all of those against his regime?

Yes,also Iraq is one of those neighbours.

You are doing the same,i dont see you talking about the innocent killed by Assad.

Turkey allowed US paratroopers to take off from Incirlik for airdrop in the 2003 invasion, they refused troops crossing the border from the ground though as you said. Largest part of their force came through Kuwait, some SF from Jordan. Though this is just one example. It goes to show how the US uses neighbors to interfere in the region. Without those neighbors they would be limited.

Assad like Saddam kills anyone against his regime, I didn't say either is good. Also i'm not doing the same, i'm not really religious. Though for the SAA causing casualties it does not matter much in this case, US doesn't care about that neither do you. Point is neighbors facilitate this, it's not just the US doing it on it's own.
Turkey allowed US paratroopers to take off from Incirlik for airdrop in the 2003 invasion, they refused troops crossing the border from the ground though as you said. Largest part of their force came through Kuwait, some SF from Jordan. Though this is just one example. It goes to show how the US uses neighbors to interfere in the region. Without those neighbors they would be limited.

Assad like Saddam kills anyone against his regime, I didn't say either is good. Also i'm not doing the same, i'm not really religious. Though for the SAA causing casualties it does not matter much in this case, US doesn't care about that neither do you. Point is neighbors facilitate this, it's not just the US doing it on it's own.
The ME is a mess,we can agree on that.
All that has happened to the people of the ME,they did it themselves.
If all of the ME countries had good leadership,none of this would have happened.
The ME is a mess,we can agree on that.
All that has happened to the people of the ME,they did it themselves.
If all of the ME countries had good leadership,none of this would have happened.

I agree on that but it's not just the ordinary people and what some would call their backward behavior, it's the rulers of all those ME states that work day and night to burn each other. In Europe state leaders aren't trying to burn each other, if they did they'd still have wars.

How long would the list be listing the actions of every neighbor in the ME trying to burn the other. It goes so far that the Syrian gov of Assad used to facilitate the entry of terrorists into Iraq, the same that have turned against him today, not many would've thought that was possible if looking at the situation of today. It just shows how everyone attempts to destroy one another, with the help of America.
Yeah yeah, always blame Turkey. Let's see, Saddam massacred Kurds in the past and they had to flee to Turkey. Bashar's father massacred opposition/rebels in the past (80's) too, gonna blame Turkey again? Your 'ally' Iran conveniently watched the US raping Iraq till the time was ripe and started working towards vassalizing your country from within, but no just blame Turkey? Assad family supported pkk in the past and directly/indirectly still do with the PYD/pkk, but cry foul when Turkey supports FSA? Pkk always runs back to Iraq, so is Iraq 'flooding' Turkey with terrorism?

The region desperately needs to come to terms with each other, because the only one who benefits from all of these happenings is firstly Israel.

Looks like you didn't read my posts. Let me guess you read 1 post and saw a part that criticized an action of Turkey which irked you and this is ur reaction.
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They think they own the place..
sadly my friend it is often like this... in many countries in the world
i can see clearly it here, not from Syrian people but some African countries
(it is quite strange that some are very educated and the most adorable people and some from the same countries are so low educated and think that the country they are should give them all opportunities or worst money for just doing nothing

this thing of Syrian badly considered in Turkey, everyone knows that's a fake

I agree on that but it's not just the ordinary people and what some would call their backward behavior, it's the rulers of all those ME states that work day and night to burn each other. In Europe state leaders aren't trying to burn each other, if they did they'd still have wars.

How long would the list be listing the actions of every neighbor in the ME trying to burn the other. It goes so far that the Syrian gov of Assad used to facilitate the entry of terrorists into Iraq, the same that have turned against him today, not many would've thought that was possible if looking at the situation of today. It just shows how everyone attempts to destroy one another, with the help of America.
so true
sadly we have bad leaders that we cannot kick out from the country
and for Iran we have another problem: inside: tolerance to the other ideas is very low. in Europe they are used to accept the very different opinions, from fascists to communists

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