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Kabul warns Islamabad-Will use power to respond Pakistani Attacks


Nov 9, 2016
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AFGHANISTAN By Tamim Hamid TODAY - 5:43 PM

Kabul Will Use All Means To End Pakistani Missile Attacks

Afghanistan will not sit silent, but use its internal, regional and international power in response to Pakistan’s actions, warns MoFA.

Kabul will use all its power in response to Pakistan if it did not stop rocket attacks on Afghanistan soil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) warned on Sunday.
“We hope that Pakistan stops the attacks and that the relationship between the two countries will return to normal. If not, Afghanistan will not sit silent, but will use its internal, regional and international power in response to Pakistan’s actions,” Faramarz Tamana, Director of Strategic Studies at Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
President Ashraf Ghani said earlier that Afghanistan and Pakistan should unite against terrorism and not to differentiate among terrorists. “As long as we divide terrorists into good and bad terrorists, we will lose. If we do not differentiate among terrorists and mobilize our forces, we can eliminate terrorism,” Ghani said.
In its reaction to the Pakistani attacks, the CEO’s office said Afghanistan’s national interests are a priority of its foreign policy.
“Afghanistan’s national interests are the most important thing for our people. We will act and go ahead based on our national interests,” Jawid Faisal, deputy spokesman of CEO said.
Analysts meanwhile criticized Afghanistan foreign policy and said the Afghan government usually takes immediate decisions and does not study issues deeply or consider all dimensions.
“We suffer from Pakistan and rely on India. Currently that good relationship with India does not benefit us. So this policy is not good. Also, we know that Iran interferes in our internal affairs, so if we end our relationships with Iran because of America it would also not be a good politics,” Entizar Khadim, a political analyst said.
In recent years Kabul-Islamabad relationships have repeatedly deteriorated over fighting terrorists. At times Western officials supported Kabul viewpoints in this regard.
Recently a number of American analysts said in a report that if Pakistan continues supporting terrorists, Washington’s aid to Pakistan ought to be stopped and the international community should recognize Pakistan as a supporter of terrorists.

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These sort of responses from the weaker party, in this case, Afghanistan. I'm not sure how else you expect them to respond. The government is recognized all over the world but it's also known that it's weak and novice. Therefore, short-sighted and one dimensional actions should be expected. Isn't that the reason that Pakistan had to take the matter in her own hand?
this means they will use terrorism to attack Pakistan. I say this again and again we need a death squad to hunt and kill all NDS+RAW sicarios assets in afghanistan!
First we need to eliminate them in Pakistan. An operation cleanup is much needed to get rid of Indian and Afghan assests in media, parliment, forces, govt institutions and ministries.
First we need to eliminate them in Pakistan. An operation cleanup is much needed to get rid of Indian and Afghan assests in media, parliment, forces, govt institutions and ministries.
that is why the border has been sealed and anyone crossing the border illegally is killed on sight! Punjab op and interior Sindh op simultaneously, afterwards we will have to turn our attention to afghanistan that is where we need something like Los Pepes style death squad, unfortunately there is no other option left for as long as US + india are in afghanistan!
First we need to eliminate them in Pakistan. An operation cleanup is much needed to get rid of Indian and Afghan assests in media, parliment, forces, govt institutions and ministries.

as usual, you guys miss at least half the problem and mis-state the other half.
Yes first you have to first eliminate terrorism from within Pakistan - it has to start with your military agencies first STOP creating new jihadi nuts; you have to STOP brainwashing your kids at school by removing jihadi material from official curriculum and adding real studies; you must STOP lying to yourself about how Afghans Americans Indians Saudi and Iranians are causing trouble and instead admit it is Pakistan's own monster turning around and biting it int the rear.

Then may be you have a chance to stop failing as a country. You can stop kneeling to whoever the latest donor is. You can stop being laughed at. You can stop being called the most dangerous place on earth. You can stop being the place crazy nuts come to get radicalized and instead actually pump tourism. Even have cricket matches.
They lost 15000/ 80000 total strength to taliban in 2016... if they dont want a total collapse.. i would strongly advise them to play ball...

Recognise that you are a nation under foreign occupation and cut the racial superiority bs... *which by the way is not recogenised by islam out of all other things*
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So we get an excuse to destroy terror sanctuaries and beat the ever loving shit out of the Afghan National Army? Do it please; I am begging ya!

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