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  1. Aldin

    Christian protestors taunt Arab-Americans

    Kosovo 90% muslim Albania 70% muslim Bosnia 55% muslim Macedonia 25% muslim Montenegro 20% muslim France 10% muslim Belgium 7% muslim Austria 7% muslim Switzerland 6% muslim Germany 6% muslim Netherlands 6% muslim 450 million? Are you trolling or just stupid? US currently has around 313...
  2. Aldin

    Saudi women refused entry to France for refusing to take off burkas

    What muslim countries? You mean Saudi Arabia? When did Saudi Arabia claim to be secular liberal democracy? If you want to stop certain religious groups from practicing their religion than don't claim to be secular... don't be a hypocrite. I also diasgree with the wearing of burka, dont think...
  3. Aldin

    Greece votes today, world holds breath

    And if Greece keeps the Euro and this neoliberal ideology of austerity continues to be pushed by Germany, the crisis will continue. The Austerity doesn't work. Austerity never works when its implemented during a recession. And this case of Greece and Germany would be similar to a situation...
  4. Aldin

    US Defence Intelligence Agency calls symposium on 'future of Balochistan'

    The West dreams of striping Pakistan of its nuclear arsenal. That is their main goal.
  5. Aldin

    Pakistan should recognize Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

    You must take into account that about one third of Albanians are Christians, and you can say that they are Islamophobic just as much as other Christians in the Balkans. These Christian Albanians mostly live in Albania and they try to distant Albania as much as possible from the rest of the...
  6. Aldin

    Taner Akcam urges Obama to encourage Turkey to acknowledge Armenian Genocid

    Brothers? The only reason some Persians like you support Armenia is because you're afraid Iranian Azeris will secede in the future. If Iranian Azeris are integrated as you claim they are, there wouldn't be a need for you to support Armenia. As for Armenian genocide... it would be nice if...
  7. Aldin

    Thx for the friend request bro. Hope all is well.

    Thx for the friend request bro. Hope all is well.
  8. Aldin

    Yes i did bro. Was this movie made in Pakistan or in Bosnia?

    Yes i did bro. Was this movie made in Pakistan or in Bosnia?
  9. Aldin

    Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

    Im sure these extremists are a minority. There are probably Hindus out there who have similar desires for Muslims. No need to exaggerate.
  10. Aldin

    Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

    You think the fact that they're Shia will be more important than the Turkic language they speak and the friendly relations they have developed with Turkey? Not so sure about that.
  11. Aldin

    Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

    I know all about Muslim invasion of Indian subcontinent, but you were talking about native Muslim population. Muslims in India and Pakistan are not foreigners. And try not to suck up to Israelis with your comments to much. It makes you look bad.
  12. Aldin

    Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

    You and other Iranians maybe support them, but why would your ''Islamist'' government support a non-muslim state over muslim one... ? Their ideology is based on religion not on ethnicity.
  13. Aldin

    Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

    Why don't you answer the question. Who is occupying your land?
  14. Aldin

    Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

    They you don't have to fear for separatism i guess. Still don't understand why you support Armenia...
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