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Recent content by AlexAli7

  1. AlexAli7

    Turkey, US agree ‘al-Assad should go for a free Syria

    I dont think you understand what i said. The Syrian Army is mostly Sunnis. The FSA is mostly non Syrians
  2. AlexAli7

    Free Syrian Army terorirst rips out heart of dead syrian soldier and eat

    And this is where the US taxpayers money is going....
  3. AlexAli7

    Turkey, US agree ‘al-Assad should go for a free Syria

    What is it with people thinking that the whole crisis is just 'Sunni vs Alawite' the majority (%65) of the Syrian Arab Army is Sunni.
  4. AlexAli7

    U. S. feeds Syrians, secretly

    If its food and aid, why so secret? No one is going to kill you for feeding anyone. Seems like a pile of western propaganda once again.
  5. AlexAli7

    How Saudi Arabia’s ‘Plan B’ became a game-changer in Syria

    The problem is that he is not killing the sunnis In Syria Sunni Shia Christian Alawites all lived together peacefully until some foreign funded terrorists came to Syria to do their 'Jihad'
  6. AlexAli7

    How Saudi Arabia’s ‘Plan B’ became a game-changer in Syria

    Yes thats true, we cannot use our whole tank armada (A few thousand) Or our SS missiles because we dont want the excessive collateral damage. Even our generals said, that if we used only half our strength we can end the fighting in a few weeks.
  7. AlexAli7

    Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

    Well in Syria you have the rebels which are made up of over 40 different nationalities and massive outside support from the west as well as Israel and the Arab gulf kings. In Bahrain, no one is actually fuelling the protesters, instead, Saudi Arabia sent its army there to help the Al-Khalifa...
  8. AlexAli7

    How Saudi Arabia’s ‘Plan B’ became a game-changer in Syria

    Okay, are you a Syrian? Assad will survive, our army is growing and volunteers are flocking sign up but most are refused. There is now the NDF National defence force militia made up because there are not enough positions in the army. SERIOUSLY 80,000 soldiers only! General Qasams army is more...
  9. AlexAli7

    How accurate do you think Global Fire Power is?

    And whats also important is how quickly and easily they can be manufactured... think of the soviet union during WWII if it wasent for their super simple and effective T-34s they probably wouldn't have won (first post dont kill me)
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