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Recent content by Alithemoor1

  1. Alithemoor1

    Secret Indian Military Base in Mauritius Discovered by Aljazeera?

    Why is the Qatari mouth piece sticking its nose in these kinds of business?
  2. Alithemoor1


    So, let me give short explanation to the people here who seem not to know anything about what is going on. Algeria has been supporting, arming, financing and diplomatically supporting a separatist movement in the Moroccan Sahara. For 5 decades, Morocco has been patient and trying not to...
  3. Alithemoor1


    Oh wow! What a load of BS! Morocco stands up to Spain, Germany and France and yet Morocco is the one who is the west's lapdog? lol Didn't Algeria support the Spanish against Morocco? Isn't Algeria the one hiding behind Germany? How pathetic.
  4. Alithemoor1


    lol You mean Moroco did what you have been doing for the past 5 decades. You support arm and finance a separatist movement and have been talking up a storm about the right of self determination and yet when Morocco gave you the same treatment, you start bitching. GTOH Are you serious? Algeria...
  5. Alithemoor1

    US selling patriot missiles to Morocco

    Morocco is older than most colonial powers, moron. We do what is best for our interests and not yours. Boy, you can't decide what happens in your own country, let alone North Africa. Begging? We will see who will be begging and crying "we have being bullied by Moroccans" like one of your...
  6. Alithemoor1

    Ledesk: The Moroccan army will have the most powerful spy plane in Africa

    Your country's citizens literally form queues for basic necessities like bread, water and milk and you call us poor. Also, by 2026 we will surpass you in terms of GDP according to IMF. Morocco has a diverse and strong economy unlike the oil and Gas reliant so called economy of yours. Our debt by...
  7. Alithemoor1

    Morocco and UK plan to build $9.4 BN Undersea Tunnel To Link Africa To Europe

    You mean Brahim Khali the rapist who was smuggled into Spain with a fake Algerian ID? The same GhALI who is going to be summoned by a Spanish judge after Moroccan Intelligence blew the lid over this scandal? lol I remember when your French creation of country stood with Spain against Morocco...
  8. Alithemoor1

    Imad Adeeb: Egypt has the Russian Iskander missile that is capable of striking concrete blocks

    Really, you an Algerian talking about Moroccan propaganda? lol lkelb y3awad ghi 3la f3aylo a boukhnouna.
  9. Alithemoor1

    US selling patriot missiles to Morocco

    No one wants your dusty ***. Yes I am an Algerian that knows Morocco a lot better than you think..We are not obsessed by Morocco, because there is nothing in Morocco that is of interest to us..Morocco isstilla protectorat, and the day you become a country give us a call, we may give a look...
  10. Alithemoor1

    US selling patriot missiles to Morocco

    wrong..he serves only his interest..Most of the comical aidd professed byTrump went to his companies.. You don't want to believe a reputable source and you want us to believe you? A nobody on the internet? An Algerian troll repeating his country's tired old soviet propaganda? What a pathetic...
  11. Alithemoor1

    US selling patriot missiles to Morocco

    Are you retarded? This is a source from AFP. One of the most reputable news sources in the world. You are a retarded moron. The king serves Morocco's interests and Morocco alone. We didn't see you fuckers helping us against the Spaniards or the Separatists that were created, financed, trained...
  12. Alithemoor1

    US selling patriot missiles to Morocco

    No, he didn't. Why are you Algerians spreading misinformation everywhere? 🤣 https://factuel.afp.com/ar/Biden-WesternSahara-28-1
  13. Alithemoor1

    JF-17 Thunder as a replacement for Moroccan F-5 & F-1 fleet?

    lol Are you seriously comparing JF-17 with Western fighter jets? Please.
  14. Alithemoor1

    New York Times Returns Peabody Award for Discredited Podcast ‘Caliphate’

    You think the head of ISIS is going to stand next to an American senator not only publicly but have a group photo with him? Are you retarded?
  15. Alithemoor1

    JF-17 Thunder as a replacement for Moroccan F-5 & F-1 fleet?

    Unlikely! They are most likely going to be replaced by more F-16s or in the next decade by F-35.
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