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  1. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    In addition to this, Yasser Arafat lied about Sadat not mentioning Palestine in his speech at the Knesset citing IDF minister of defense Moshe Dayan's diary 🤷. While literally in his speech you can hear him clearly stating that Israel is still occupying the Palestinian land and that there will...
  2. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    You know nothing. Sadat asked Yasser Arafat to attend the Camp David accords with him and demand the establishment of Palestine on the 1967 borders, but Yasser Arafat refused. Saeed Kamal (Director of the Palestine Liberation Organization office in Egypt at the time) revealed this information on...
  3. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Okay, if you say so 🤷
  4. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Again with the blockade ? Have you even read my post ? And when has Egypt ever declared that it supports one state solution ?
  5. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Refer to the posts below, Sinai is not demilitarized anymore. Strategically we won. Israel got a peace of paper which has no value, and we got our whole Sinai back.
  6. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    What blockade is Egypt part of ? Habibi, How do you think the weapons and rockets that Hamas possess got there, through Israeli land ? through the Sea (where Israeli ships are roaming) ? think about it. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization in Egypt, yes that is true. Mubarak let them...
  7. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Humanitarian aid to Gaza Egypt -> 5200 tonnes Rest of the World -> 1500 tonnes watch| Aid convoys to Gaza move from Al-Arish, Egypt, towards the Rafah crossing Wounded Palestinians are being treated in Al-Arish hospital The Minister of Health and the Governor of North Sinai inspect the...
  8. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Enough talk habibi, you're ruining the thread.
  9. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Easy habibi, I can pay the IT of these websites to put a faked picture of that officer on an old news page, See? easy habibi! We know your ways you snakes!
  10. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    I knew some of the MB agents surveilling this thread would get triggered and jump on this post! You guys really are everywhere on the internet, right? Same thing happened to me when I suggested this channel on another forum, and out of no where new profiles started mocking that guy and calling...
  11. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    51 Western warships arrive in the Mediterranean to besiege the Egyptian army to prevent it from moving to face the waves of palestinians displacement! Al-Sisi obstructs the ground invasion with a clever trick!
  12. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Hi, I would like to recommend this channel. He covers Egypt's national security. He is a Nasser Military Academy graduate (National Security and Strategy Major) and has connections with people working in the intelligence services in Egypt. Side note: He's also a friend of Marker...
  13. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    No info I'm afraid. Even the post I shared turned out to be talking about something else, that's why I deleted it. I got a little excited but I will make sure to never post any rumors again. Sorry!
  14. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    The investigations concluded that the missiles were fired from the south of the red sea, so probably Houthis. "Military Spokesman: Within the framework of following up on the results of the ongoing investigations by the competent committee into the two accidents of a foreign object falling in...
  15. Annatar

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    An analysis conducted by Lieutenant Colonel Eli Dekel, who served in the intelligence branch of the Israeli army for 20 years, shows Egyptian military expansion in Sinai under the Sisi administration.
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