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  1. B

    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    INS ARihant (indigenious) NUKE SUB Russian Sub Give to India... Akula class, WAY AHEAD OF CHINESE JIN CLASS I CAN POST PICTURES TOO BUD
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    Well China is gonna be met with some adverasries in the UN and G-20meetings... heavy pressure from countries like malayasia, ASEAN countries
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    We are told we are better, more talented and they told us we should not be ashamed of our seleves because we can make Nike Shoes or assemble ipods... our growth started just the last decade, now we are 1.7 trillion... this time next year 2 trillion +....
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    We are told we are better, more talented and they told us we should not be ashamed of our seleves because we can make Nike Shoes or assemble ipods... our growth started just the last decade, now we are 1.7 trillion... this time next year 2 trillion +....
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    We are told we are better, more talented and they told us we should not be ashamed of our seleves because we can make Nike Shoes or assemble ipods... our growth started just the last decade, now we are 1.7 trillion... this time next year 2 trillion +.... ---------- Post added at 01:59 AM...
  6. B

    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    China has only about 11% of arable LAND... it uses it all up... ARE U SURE? why was the one child policy implemented India has more than enough food... but our stupid,idotic greddy politicans evaded taxes and don't care for the poor ARABLE LAND
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    JUst stop, our current Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was an econmic maverick, A financial minister... he proposed and implemented the reforms in 1992, which let our markets open... "India, by contrast, only opened up its economy after the crisis of the early nineties. But, for much of the...
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    HOW THE HELL WILL China Blockade Western part of Indian ocean, where we get Oil from IRan??? IT's MORE LIKELY INDIA CAN PLACE A BLOCKADE ON CHINA...
  9. B

    IN has significantly surpass China in financial investments in the moderniz

    IF thats true OUR MMRCA deal would of gotten finalized years ago... dont be such buzz kill
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    Sure Indian Navy is in the womb let the tiger arise in 2015 MORE ( 3 Aircraft carriers,( Stealth frig/destroyers/corvetts), we will deal with the antique PLAN, IT will eat your dragon fantasy... China has a claim on Aksai Chin, South Tibet, South China sea, kyoto islands, desputes with vietnam...
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    PHILIPPINES complain to UN about China ‘intrusions’

    THE PHILIPPINES is preparing to file another complaint with the United Nations on new Chinese "intrusions" into Philippine territory, President Benigno S. C. Aquino III said yesterday, as he committed to raising the issue with Beijing in a state visit by the third quarter. "We are completing...
  12. B

    India planned to kill Chinese engineers in Pakistan

    he is fit to talk, but he is probably some teen pondering on whether he should sell his kidney to a buy a mac book pro and ipad 2
  13. B

    J-20 in trouble? The engine problem can stall the devlopment.

    LOL why i am continiusly providing evidence( i am wrong)... ITs china, they can build anything... i hear they saw Star Trek and are bulding the space ship to iniitate warp speed traveling
  14. B

    J-20 in trouble? The engine problem can stall the devlopment.

    probably? no i am sure silver nozzle is Al-31f and the above are too Large for AL-41F... BECAUSE THE NOZZLE ARE HUGE for Al-41F ^^^ Al-31F Al-41F
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