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Recent content by BoggedDown

  1. B

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    It is due to engine supply issue. First it was planned Klimov 93MA but its full development and testing has delayed. Then it was planned with same as block 2 engines but Russia got supply problem due to Ukraine war. Now PAF is thinking to switch to Chinese WS-13E or WS-19 but full...
  2. B

    Establishment punished former PM Imran Khan due to General Faiz Hameed issue: Parvez Ilahi

    The real reason for removing IK from power is his Pro-Taliban and anti US stances before he came to power as well as independent foreign policy after his coming to power. In fact Pak Army and establishment had the same policy as IK since 1990s. Due to this policy US had to leave Afghanistan...
  3. B

    Nawaz agreed to appoint Bilawal foreign minister of Pakistan

    Pakistan is rife for a bloody revolution. No a scale of Russian or Chinese revolution but we need to get rid of any number between 100-5000 top most corrupt mafia organizations of politicians, feudal lords, burocrates, judges, generals, police officials as well yellow journalist and...
  4. B

    3 martyred while thwarting cross border terrorist attack from Afghanistan at Kharsin Sector

    The fence on Duran Line is good initiative but it is of wrong type because bullets can pass through it. They should have built a concrete 3/4 meter high wall as Israel has build around Gaza/WestBank. PA can still build concreate wall on high risk areas. But it would still not prevent rockets or...
  5. B

    The message from Pak military top brass to PDM straight up

    Most Pakistanis do not know who is Mir Jafar, the general of Moghul descendent Nawab Siraj-ud-Doula of Bengal and what role he played in the fateful 1857 war against British East Indian army at Pollasi ground. He had some small issues related to perks and privileges with the Nawab and he hold...
  6. B

    Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

    Ever since overthrown previous Afghan govt and US withdrawal, Pakistan tried everything to appease Afghan Taliban, sending aids, diplomatic support in international arena, trade etc but it seems nothing is enough for them. They still keep harboring TTP stubbornly and not much support provided...
  7. B

    Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

    If order of diesel propulsion submarine can not be fulfilled due to for example engine restriction from Germany. then China will provide nuclear propulsion to Pakistan. I do not know how that helps Germany or Europe anyway. Chinese AIP technology is not from Germany rather from Sweden sterling...
  8. B

    17 TTP suicide bombers have infiltrated into Pak cities from Afghanistan - CTD

    First look at yourselves, where the problem lies. For example, this forum can not even ban filthy Indians. How you expects a porous fence on Durand line can stop TTP and other terrorist infiltrations. It all lies with attitude and sense of duty.
  9. B

    Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

    Hangor submarine project is very important for Pakistan's national security. If you do not have any define information regarding this project do not spread nonsense fake news and avoid stupid speculation.
  10. B

    First Female F-16 Pilot of Pakistan Air Force

    You probably know in USAF most of nuclear bomber pilots are female.
  11. B

    Which side should Pakistan support in Russia-Ukraine war?

    Why should Pakistan support any of these parties. Let them kill each other. Generally Christians, whites and west through out the history fell pleasure's when Muslims (to be frank any other third world nations, countries or race) kill each other and always busy instigate conflict among...
  12. B

    6 Terrorists killed in Balochistan during OP

    >>Why can't state deal with this b*tch? You arrest them, court will free them next day. In the end they get more publicity and international hue & cry what they are seeking... Pakistan security forces should have proper threat classification and preventive procedure in place to deal with at...
  13. B

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    Though I was hoping for J10D version but current situation around need urgent attention so J10C would do.
  14. B

    PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

    I was talking about J10 in PAF since many years, finally proved right. PAF had eye on J10 for long but only issue was engines as putting all engines from Russia was deemed too risky so waited when Chinese alternative got matured enough. My wish for future CAC and PAC collaborate to develop a...
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