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  1. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    hope you like the vid,
  2. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    somthing from real war,not just pics :pakistan:
  3. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    Well yes those tanks was soviet production,serb had about 1000 tanks,croat 500 and Muslim 20 tanks at the start of the war,it took 4 long years to destroy all that :yahoo: We had about 100 at the end,mostly war bootie.....
  4. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Hercegovina5.jpg Ok you see that south colored part,it is Herzegovina,well the same thing is in Pakistan for examle I think you have regions like Swat valley,North Waziristan and so on.... It is region,but it got that name Herzegovina,it...
  5. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    May Allah swt reword all of the pakistani who helped us,I also heard that in a critical stage of defence in Sarajevo our prime minister at that time brougt green rocket form Pak,and with those we maneged to destroy few tanks.....:pakistan:
  6. B

    Photos: US Military And Pakistan Flood Relief

    How is situation in Pak. now as far flood goes.....
  7. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    Vey intrested it is made by serb who commited genocide over bosnian muslim......dont belive to everything you read,I think situation is not black and white with the taliban in Afg. and Pak..
  8. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    See the story is wrong,you as a hindu i guess will go for that story so called terorisam,the only terorist in the balkans are serbs and croatian who killed 8 000 inocent people in Srebrenica althoug Srebrenica was protected by UN..... I told you before in our army there were 300 foreing...
  9. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    On topic,and these are all bosnian :yahoo:
  10. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    This is a lie from enemies of Islam,there were only 300 foreing fighters,and there is no conflict between us and muslim who had other nationality and certanly we are not terrorist,terrorist are serbs who killed 8 000 people in 3 days
  11. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    No my friend today Bosnia is silently diveded between areas of muslim,catolic,orhodox majorites.... Well serbs and croat are happy for their war campaing,today we must have one state and live together,we must have agreemant.... Reason why nobody talks about Bosnia is there is no war...
  12. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    Well my friend I said many come from Pak,Turkey,Palestine to study here and some of them stay and live here..... Of course in Sarajevo there are many tourist from Pak,also Indonesia And a lot of them come to see the Bosnian pyramid..... here is the picture...
  13. B

    Bosnian Muslim army

    Well you see,there was also a war between orthodox and catolic in Croatia,but on 1993. they were united and together attacked Bosnia and Muslim..... During that time Clinton was presiedent of USA and this year he wrote a book about this wars,and in one part he wrote,I reapeat Clinton wrote...
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