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Recent content by cropta

  1. C

    A tale of two cities

    Not really, taking one picture and considering it a proper depiction of a country is stupid.
  2. C

    US to offer F-35 fighters to India

    Wanna bet, laddy lad? Go to Economics 101 in your local Community College plox.
  3. C

    Urban India and Pakistan

    and neither does your post.
  4. C

    Urban India and Pakistan

    Probably the most unimaginative and ugly building/s I've seen. Why does Mumbai get all the fancy glass cladded towers? This is from Kolkata, my home city.
  5. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    No they don't, one missile worth $10000 will be far more useful than 100 soldiers with $1000 bullet proof vests.
  6. C

    China's says, Indian development on the Indian Ocean is good for China's security

    Oh shush you. ASIA join hands, what a joke. Why don't we all join hands and attack the aliens?
  7. C

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Thanks, won't need it =] Allah is on our side
  8. C

    Indian PM to get someone to blow whistle on USA's designs

    Yay a genius in our midst.
  9. C

    Urban India and Pakistan

    It's interesting to note that in Pakistan, the roads etc are usually wider and cleaner etc. While they have few tall buildings. Government spending is good, but little private investment. It shows the height of inefficiency/corruption/whatever in the GoI that there are so many skyscrapers and...
  10. C

    Urban India and Pakistan

    Not all of Islamabad is urban you noob. :P
  11. C

    Urban India and Pakistan

    I'm so jealous of Chinas infrastructure, just going through their pics on SSC.
  12. C

    Urban India and Pakistan

  13. C

    My approaches

    In this thread I will document 50 approaches to women I will do in the next month or so. Of this no more than an average of 5 will be successful. This is to help all you lads living in your mums basement arguing on the Internet with other guys living in their parents outhouse. This week...
  14. C

    Graduated from high school!!!!!

    Wut it's the middle of the year?
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