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Recent content by DrawingDead

  1. D

    Sustaining Afghan-Pakistan ties

    Yeah, leaders kept under the watchful eye of Iranian security forces. Not thousands of heavily armed men disappearing into the local populace.
  2. D

    Sustaining Afghan-Pakistan ties

    Well, from everything I heard, they have their people in Iraq, training and providing logistical support. I don't think I've heard of instances where they let the Iraqis stay and operate out of their cities. Have you?
  3. D

    Sustaining Afghan-Pakistan ties

    That's 'cause they keep their proxies at an arms length just like the Saudis do. Pakistan, on the other hand, let them operate from their territory and provided them space in their society. That's why Pakistan has taken a beating over the last decade while the other states involved in this mess...
  4. D

    Paris Under Attack

    Notice how we don't go around killing the falafel vendor down the street in retaliation for something that happened halfway across the world. Maybe there's a lesson there for you people?
  5. D

    Four million Burmese to be absorbed in KSA!!!

    It's a noble gesture. But I think it sends the wrong message. If KSA does this then it's going to make it that much easier for countries to kick out any group they don't like.
  6. D

    Obama says Myanmar needs to end discrimination of Rohingya to succeed

    Phosphorus?? Where did you read that? Lemme guess, RT news? Or was it Press TV? And the cluster bombs on civilians in Yemen? What is that? KSA's version of your basic every day care package? We didn't support the Taliban. We supported the Afghan mujahideen. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and UAE...
  7. D

    Obama says Myanmar needs to end discrimination of Rohingya to succeed

    You mean other than the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers from 9/11 were Saudis? Or the fact that Bin Ladin was a Saudi? Or the fact that govt of Saudi Arabia still does business with the Bin Ladins? Or the fact that Saudi Arabia was one of only 3 countries to recognize the Taliban govt in...
  8. D

    Obama says Myanmar needs to end discrimination of Rohingya to succeed

    A Saudi worried about humanity?? Wow! Didn't think I'd live to see that day. Hey, if you're so worried about humanity, maybe you should stop sponsoring terrorism?
  9. D

    Obama says Myanmar needs to end discrimination of Rohingya to succeed

    I don't know. I guess they figure if they can put up with the financiers of world terrorism like the Saudis, they can put up with me :partay:
  10. D

    Obama says Myanmar needs to end discrimination of Rohingya to succeed

    So I guess the Saudis are not done poisoning the world yet?
  11. D

    Is RisingShiningSuperpower trolling?

    Two? No, you're going to need more: Is the sky blue? Does a bear shit in the woods? Does a wooden horse have a hickory dick? Does howdy doody have wooden balls?
  12. D

    No Where to Run For China, Part 1

    Yeah I know. It was kind of a shitty thing to say. Shouldn't have responded to that J20dragon guy. Should have let it go.
  13. D

    No Where to Run For China, Part 1

    We defeated Spain and took Cuba, Puerto Rico and Guam from them. Cuba went on to become its own country and we kept the other 2. The country of Cuba came into being AFTER we already had our territories. So in reality, they are in our EEZ, not the other way around. Read the post again, I wrote...
  14. D

    15 Chinese Accused of Using Test-Taking Impostors for College Entrance Exams

    I don't get the point of doing all this. If they can't pass the English test, how do they plan on getting through college? Why waste money coming here?
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