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Recent content by euvucan

  1. E

    Chinese Satellite Fleet Grows, And Grows

    i dont think you should feel sorry to koreans at all... north korea is china's friend and won't have any problem south korea is a strong trading partner with china and has no territorial dispute...
  2. E

    Chinese build secret nuclear submarine base

    As far as I am concerned, China is building this base in its own territory, so what is the fuss about it, China can build whatever it wants in its own territory. Whether it is deliberate to make it secret or not, military strategic is supposed to be secretive for national security purposes and...
  3. E

    China opposed "internationalizing" South China Sea issue

    whenever any international conflict comes to being, america will step a feet in it and take advantage of that even its territories are thousands of miles away, what a busybody... of course there are many weak and vulnerable countries that are going to ask america for help in times of need by...
  4. E

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    There are lot's of pretentious friendship in the world and that's life... I am sure if India has the economic powerhouse on par of china, and china relatively deprived, then India will surely become america's new enemy...i also doubt if india-america friendship is that solid as anglo-american...
  5. E

    US has plan to attack Iran if needed

    I can't see the rationale of invading iran because iran has nuclear weapons... america has the most nuclear weapons in the world and yet it's bullying countries with far fewer number of the weapon... russia, china, & france also have nuclear weapons, why doesnt america do something? america's...
  6. E

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    I think China and India should be friends or at least not to bother the other's business as we did throughout the last 3000 years. Now both countries are to some extent hostile to each other. should it actually be the case? no, cos the hostility was created by western powers when britain...
  7. E

    US has plan to attack Iran if needed

    Who do you think will come to america's priority of invasion next? Iran because of the oil and bad attitude North Korea...no cos it has no economic value china...too economically tied and even if america wins america itself will be badly wounded and the economy ruined pakistan?? as long as...
  8. E

    U.S. Challenges China on Disputed Islands

    “The United States has a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons and respect for international law in the South China Sea,” Mrs. Clinton said. I really want to see what Mrs. Clinton will say if China deploys its navy in the Caribbeans and say "China...
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