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Recent content by fdxb

  1. fdxb

    Unrequited love/ one- sided love -The pain

    :woot:hahahaahahhahahahaha:sick: :rofl:
  2. fdxb

    Unrequited love/ one- sided love -The pain

    sad...date nahe mar pao gay! ch ch ch ch
  3. fdxb

    Unrequited love/ one- sided love -The pain

  4. fdxb

    Unrequited love/ one- sided love -The pain

    awwwww sweett on the suggestions part...:D best is to live together wherevr it may b! :)
  5. fdxb

    Pakistan in Pictures

    seemz like you've taken these pics on your own...haven't you?...:)
  6. fdxb

    heyyyy.... wats wid the pic dude?

    heyyyy.... wats wid the pic dude?
  7. fdxb

    Finally marriage date fixed

    watever!...stop playing games on the forum! disguised!
  8. fdxb

    Finally marriage date fixed

    one word...lamooo....
  9. fdxb

    Finally marriage date fixed

    true...i feel the same way!
  10. fdxb

    The Real World: Pakistan

    wow.....nice...there has always been conflict among Pakistanis...evry person thinks in a different way...its more contributed towards the 'upbringing' side. nywayzzz...awesome search...didnt know we get sumtimes nice stuff also in there @@@@@@@ youtube. :) thanks!
  11. fdxb

    A little thand program please...

    hahahahahahahahahhahaah :) true
  12. fdxb

    i've noticd smthng n dint lyk it!

    i've noticd smthng n dint lyk it!
  13. fdxb

    dude where u been??????

    dude where u been??????
  14. fdxb

    What is the Best Capital City of South Asia?

  15. fdxb

    What is the Best Capital City of South Asia?

    true...agreed upon!
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