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Recent content by Ghargasht

  1. G

    Why is South Asia so tense?

    We have to make a choice... or we will be defeated by Indian just as soviet were by Americans! We do not have the resources and the ability to match their defense budge.. on other hand we have a corrupt politician and corrupt military which in itself is an industry. We either make peace with...
  2. G

    Pakistan assures UNHCR of accommodating Afghans

    Ever wonder why the establishment blames the afghan refugees for all the ill...including extremism(while these afghan refugees were brainwashed in Pakistani Madrassa not the other away around) and yet they never really take any steps to send these refugees back. The reason for that are as...
  3. G

    Pakistan assures UNHCR of accommodating Afghans

    Afghanistan was not a colony of British...nor Pakistan is national state like Canada(primary based on Anglo culture.) There are two diff culture, racial group in Pakistan...Indic--Punjabi and Sindi and Central Asian...Pashton and Baloch.Thus you are compare orange and apply....moreover Pakistan...
  4. G

    Cause im American citizen!! :)

    Cause im American citizen!! :)
  5. G

    Pakistan assures UNHCR of accommodating Afghans

    You should stop smoking that Sh..... we are talking about Culture and no matter how much it hurts you...we Pashtons of Pakistan have more in common with Afghans in term of culture, costume and history then with rest of Pakistan. So yes Peshawar will look, and sound like Kabul...b/c we are part...
  6. G

    Pakistan assures UNHCR of accommodating Afghans

    Stupid comparison... Canada and America has never been one country...second Canadian and American although peaking same language do not have collective history, political culture. Delhi culturally and historically is Indic while Peshawar culturally and historically has been central Asian...
  7. G

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    That is bull... you are watching too much bs tv... not everyone in punjab are Punjabi, not ever one in Sind is Sindi and not everyone in NWFP is Pashton...and yes speaking Pashto is a requirement for being a pashton...the fact is half of punjab, Indian Muslim and Sind claim to be Pashton while...
  8. G

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    Wrong... you can speak Urdu, English and what not...but what matter is your native language---the language you use to communicate with your mom and family. Pashton is not racial group but cultural/language group... if one does not speak Pashto or practice pashtonwali(pashton culture) then they...
  9. G

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    That is the point...NWFP is not all Pashtons in fact there are Hindko, Saraki, Punjabi, Tajik, Hazara and... in NWFP. This is actually about identity...no Hindko would like to be called Pashtons as much as Pashton would not like to be called Hindko. Ayub khan was a Hindko not a Pashtons!
  10. G

    Afghan Taliban say no links with Pakistani Taliban

    So basicall you are saying Jahaleen aka taliban are good in afghanistan cause its in paksitan interest but bad in pakistan? This is what prophet Muhammad (peace upon said) the following meaning: "Seven persons are such that Allah (God) will not look at them on the Day of Judgment ...
  11. G

    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    As a Pashton...let me tell you that people who have no character will never be popular among my people. In Quatta people used to call Imran khan---Imran Khaa a disrespectful term that means lack of Pashtons character. I think Imran khaa is more people with establishment that want to use him for...
  12. G

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    That's the point...if they speak Hindko then that means he is not a Pashton! The problem is people claim to be a lot of things in sub continent... there are more Syed, Qurish, and what not in Pakistan then whole Arabia put together. :rolleyes: I know for a fact he could not speak Pashto...one of...
  13. G

    The Pakhtun, the Taliban and Imran Khan —Farhat Taj

    I don't know who has appointed this Imran khaa as Pashton's representative? For love of god...the dude can not even speak a word of pashto...just because his father was pashton does not make him a pashton. Moreover i wounder how could a Zenakaar like Imran could support Jahaleen like taliban...
  14. G

    Legend of Ayub Khan.

    Guys i have a question about Ayub khan origin...some people claim he was Pashtons...but i know someone who was very close to him during his rule and he told me Ayub khan could not speak a word of Pashto. Was he using fake his original for political agenda?
  15. G

    Pakistan assures UNHCR of accommodating Afghans

    LOL pesh always felt like Kabul...for it is historically winter capital of afghan kingdom. Don't let your bias blinds you of truth, Pashtons are culturally and racially Afghani. i don't understand why some fools try so hard to dis-link us pashtons from our identity and culture in order to prove...
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