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  1. G

    The Fall Of India: How India-China Border Row Brought New Delhi To Its Knees

    India has been brought down to its knees by China over the India-China border row, but is this the collapse of New Delhi? As Indian and Chinese troops remain locked in a heated India-China border row, India’s stubborn position could lead to an all-out war between the world’s two most populous...
  2. G

    China's Military units on the move this afternoon in southern Tibet as tensions continue to mount

    war takes time to buildup. historically prchina always shows maturity and tries its best to persude its opponents to back off first. its wise for india to admit its mistake and retreat now while china is still lenient and patient. however, judging from the indian media, the indians are not...
  3. G

    Once the Biggest Buyer, China Starts Dumping U.S. Government Debt

    the u.s. is the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. the fed is running a ponzi scheme, inflated a huge asset bubble that will burst sooner or later. the u.s. can never raise its interest rate. yellen, the fed is lying and bluffing. they tell the world that they gonna raise rate...
  4. G

    12 countries strike TPP trade accord

    if you prefer to live in lala land no one can stop you.:disagree: its self-evident who is doing better in economy, vietnam or china. its self-evident who is doing better in economy, china, u.s. or japan.
  5. G

    12 countries strike TPP trade accord

    we just have different opinions. if vietnam think tpp will benefit vietnam it should join. good luck.
  6. G

    12 countries strike TPP trade accord

    the bar for tpp is very high china shouldnt join. also the rules apparently favor u.s.. china, a huge economy, should no longer be just a rule follower, it needs to become a rule setter. the u.s. and japan are both crumbling economies. china should focus on new, emerging markets, its one belt...
  7. G

    Think Tank Evaluated U.S. – China Military Capabilities

    the evaluation probably underestimates china's capability. according to many chinese military experts and officers in the pla, with df21d and df26 in service china is capable of destroying all medium to large us surface ships within 3000km radius of china.
  8. G

    Greater China Education, School & University: News & Discussions

    basically unis with focuses on english has high rankings. tokyo university rank lower than singarpore? tsinghua rank lower than hong kong? i dont think so. this ranking by westerners is pretty useless.
  9. G

    " "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

    scenario 1 shows china and russia view the u.s. as a military threat. scenario 2, isnt so obvious now and is not at all clear of a pattern like korea-japan. there is no comparison. 3 and 4 really dont apply to military. i mean the patern is very very easy to see. s korea is very uncomfortable...
  10. G

    " "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

    well. the koreans clearly dont think so. thats just the reality. actions speak louder than words. the pattern is, you get a new thing, they will soon get a better one. check the pattern of the past 20 years then we can talk. well. im talking about the military. not about consumer electronic...
  11. G

    " "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

    not really. i dont see them land on the islands now.
  12. G

    " "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

    we all know s korea was forced to be there by the u.s.. korea in their heart still view you as a main threat. you have destroyer they would get a better one. you have a new jet, they must get a better one. its really hard to ignore.
  13. G

    " "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

    with 1/10 of population and small land area, there is no competition. only competition for south korea.
  14. G

    " "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

    i find it ironic that you japanese keep bring up the japanese emperor as if you respect him. you keep slap him across his face. i mean thats exactly your politicians are doing. they are totally ignoring what he said and want. i bet those poloticians are thinking "shut up, you just a mascot...
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