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Hadiqa Batool

Assalamu alaikum!
My name is Hadiqa and i'm from Pakistan. since my childhood i dream to server in Pak Army where my patriotic feelings lies. unfortunately, i had to move to US with my family and my dream was crushed, i was helpless.:( Now its been quite a while since my patriotic feelings started to emerge within me. i still wan to server in Pak Army (i think it might me hard to get) or at least become a Pakistan ranger. For that i'm willing to give up my US citizenship. i didn't research but don't know what to do.Can someone please help/guide me? i don't know where to start nor where to go. Please help me and Allah will reward you in this dunya and hereafter.:-)
Jan 15, 1998 (Age: 26)
United States
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My dream is to server my country, Pakistan, where i born and where my patriotic feelings lies. For that i'm willing to give up my US passport.


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