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Recent content by Herstory

  1. Herstory

    New Data Shows U.S. Companies Are Definitely Leaving China

    I'm neutral but this is embarrassing. Why is it so hard to accept that any person from any nationality can be pro or contra certain block / country?
  2. Herstory

    Join in to wish Happy New Years to our Chinese Friends!

    Happy New Year. Xīn Nián Kuài Lè!
  3. Herstory

    Enough is Enough... I am very very very Angry...

    22 posts mark
  4. Herstory

    China at 68: Long Live the People's Republic!

    Happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. Salam hangat dari Indonesia.
  5. Herstory

    Cycle / Human Rickshaw --A Cruelty (Pictures only)

    Hard-working people. Respect.
  6. Herstory

    Happy Independence Day India......

    Happy Independence Day.
  7. Herstory

    Happy Independence day Pakistan !

    Happy Independence Day.
  8. Herstory

    BREAKING! Mars Orbiter Put In Orbit Successfully!!

    Amazing. Congratulation to all Indian.
  9. Herstory

    China as BULLY

    Indonesia is not a claimant to any disputed territories in the SCS, we will stay neutral.
  10. Herstory

    Religious Discord clouds Malaysia Truly Asia

    hey my Indonesian, Malay, Singaporean, Chinese, Pakistani and Indian friends. Cheers. I love PDF. Lol.
  11. Herstory

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    What's wrong with most of Chinese posters here? Seriously, you guys act very rude and childish. Chinese people in my country are mostly very humble. On topic, congrats for both Turkey and China.
  12. Herstory

    Happy Birth Day to our beloved Saudi Arabia (KSA)

    happy independence day to posters from KSA.
  13. Herstory

    Happy Independence day to Indonesia from Pakistan !!

    Thank you. God bless Pakistan and its people too.
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