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Recent content by iamunique

  1. iamunique

    India watching China's military growth: IAF Chief

    China's superb economic growth over the last 2 decades is an enviable achievement and is infact a superb example for all poor nations to emulate. With the kind of economic clout that China has, it has the wherewithal to influence global issues like the U.S. Unfortunately, for all the wealth and...
  2. iamunique

    ‘Significant’ troops withdrawal in J&K

    A couple of years back at an airshow, I met a guy who was trying to sell micro-uavs to the army. He had mentioned that induction of certain systems in J&K had actually resulted in soldiers/security personnel becoming redundant for certain tasks and for certain sectors. I couldn't quite digest...
  3. iamunique

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Pagans, you make me feel proud of my country. Indeed, in various threads on this forum I have constantly said that the fact that inspite of 4 wars & decades of insurgency by a beligerent neighbour we have still managed to hold on to our part of J&K for 62 years is truly an achievement! I...
  4. iamunique

    IAF SU30 Crashes

    Brother, money is no problem for us but the question is... what's the use of buying an expensive aircraft if we can't fly or maintain it right? Regarding the increasing crashes the IAF is maintaining a 'head in the sand' attitude. This is shocking and this has to change ASAP!
  5. iamunique

    Mumbai Attacks

    What topic are you refering to? The topic here is Pakistan's involvement in the Mumbai Attacks. If you want to talk about Indian involvement in terrorism, go to the appropriate thread. Your attitude is so typical of the Bangladeshis nowadays -- you're just blindly following the Pakistanis. Carry...
  6. iamunique

    Mumbai Attacks

    Beautiful statement Ahsan, but it applies to you as well...
  7. iamunique

    Mumbai Attacks

    My sincere thanks to all the Indian bloggers who have posted in this thread. My dear Indian Brothers, by voicing your comments here you have upheld the honour of those of our martyred brothers and sisters who can no longer speak for themselves. Today the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis will...
  8. iamunique

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    Fantastic piece of observation! We Indians used a similar logic in order to come to the conclusion that the Pakistani nation is a terrorist nation. Stop making such childish comments.
  9. iamunique

    Pakistan & China in 1.4 billion dollar J-10 jet deal

    It is deals like this which make me really envious of the Pakistani military. Without a 'babudom' like we have, Pakistani military deals get closed so quickly! Also amazing is how Pakistan is spending every penny wisely by buying only that which it can buy and operate cheaply. Smart decision to...
  10. iamunique

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Sad to see our countrymen taking the huns so seriously. All that we indians need to do in response to the provocations of chinese bloggers is to copy and paste what the pakistani bloggers say in response to our provocations. Example: We indians say to the Pakistanis "We kicked your *** in...
  11. iamunique

    India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

    Excellent Bro! Awesome stuff! If someone asks us Indians to transalate something, we will transalate it for them in our way!:yahoo::yahoo: Also, yes 1962 was a cakewalk for the Chinese. But the Chinese should remember that the 1962 cakewalk was possible because that cake was baked by one...
  12. iamunique

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    A fairly good suggestion.:cheers:
  13. iamunique

    Army close to winding up first phase of operation

    No thanks! We Indians prefer to sit back and watch our enemies kill each other. For the record, great work by the PA! I hope our Army is watching this operation, since we might require a similar offensive against the Maoists strong holds in the NE.
  14. iamunique

    Rahul Gandhi Holds Talks with Mubarak's Son

    According to congress insiders, Priyanka has more of the Indira-Rajiv trait than Rahul. Rahul is just a face , the final arrangement will be Priyanka calling the shots with Rahul doing the bidding -- just like the current Sonia-Manmohan equation.
  15. iamunique

    It's official - India is not ready for war

    I don't understand why Indian members are getting so heated :hitwall: about this whole issue of India being not ready for war. What's so new in this?! We've never been ready for war whenever Pakistan has attacked us in the past!! But the fact that our country is still in one piece while theirs...
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