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Recent content by Indian9

  1. I

    Zardari says US behind Taliban attacks in Pakistan

    But but but.... I thought it was India and their 'evil Hindu Zionist organization RAW' that was behind all the TTP attacks?!?!
  2. I

    Indian man suffers racist attack in Britain

    In the West, Indians and Pakistanis tend to flock together and are generally very friendly, and the Westerner cannot distinguish between Indians and Pakistanis. By face it is anyway not possible to distinguish the two, but even when a Westerner is told that one is Pakistani or Indian, for many...
  3. I

    World Hunger Report 2010 Calls India Situation "Alarming"

    There are two important things to keep in mind here: 1. Most of these children are malnourished or underweight and have stunted growth. It isn't exactly starvation and famine. 2. India, as a whole, is self-sufficient in food production. The HUGE problem lies in distribution and storage...
  4. I

    Shunned by Racism !!!

    Right. It is so damn tough to decide what exactly defines "Indian looks". Actually the persons who claimed that she does not look "Indian enough" are first class morons. People living in Tripura, Tamilnadu and Haryana are COMPLETELY different in their looks. So, what would they say if...
  5. I

    Taliban Cut ears and nose of a woman

    Is that really the girl after surgery?? :woot: Awesome job by the surgeons :cheers:
  6. I

    Australia world's 'dumb blonde'

    YOU ARE AN ELITE TROLL, YOU ARE AN ELITE TROLL, YOU ARE AN ELITE TROLL. YOU ARE A MASTER OF ONE-LINERS, YOU ARE A ONE-LINER WONDER. :D :partay: :tongue: :sick: :P :devil: :chilli: Edit: someone please thank me for this insightful post
  7. I

    Australia world's 'dumb blonde'

    In case it escaped your "ELITE" notice, let me inform you that the "anti-Australian critique author" of the piece is not from that nationality which you are hinting to.
  8. I

    Australia world's 'dumb blonde'

    Agreed. The author is 'Australophobic' :D
  9. I

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    And these people are sooo proud of the actions of their "brave irregular army". I see it on almost every Pakistani forum that I visit.
  10. I

    Indian man suffers racist attack in Britain

    I think it's only that such cases are being reported much more nowadays! Racism against brown, black and yellow people has existed from decades, and it will continue to exist as long as our nations are economically weaker than theirs, and we keep sending immigrants and temporary workers to their...
  11. I

    India wins non-permanent seat at UN Security Council

    No you tell me, if India "behaves magnanimously" with you, and becomes highly advanced and developed, will "Pakistani or TIRP" look up to India as a leader? I maintain that that's not the case! What has 'victim card' got to do with it? Too much read-only access to that site full of TSP and...
  12. I

    India wins non-permanent seat at UN Security Council

    Please read the post. I said that I agree with you, except for your presumption that Pakistan will respect us. My contention is that they won't irrespective of what we (Indians) do or how "magnanimously" we behave with them.
  13. I

    India wins non-permanent seat at UN Security Council

    They also call Pakistan as TIRP. And oh, there are lots of Pakistani forums where Indians are called all kinds of names too.
  14. I

    Membership Moderation

    :rofl: Actually, as popularity increases, there will be exponential increase in trolling - this happens in all web forums, and the mods just cannot keep up after a while. Maybe defence.pk should move to a crowdsourced moderation model, something like Slashdot - News for nerds, stuff that...
  15. I

    15 Pakistanis detained in south Thailand as terror suspects

    :rofl: Very likely. This whole multinational terror inc. works in a very decentralized fashion - there are hundreds of groups, thousands of web sites, hundreds of secure payment gateways - got to be really damn careful while donating money!
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