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Recent content by Jacob Martin

  1. Jacob Martin

    strange behavior of iranian politicians towards female italian Eu foreign minister

    Her mere presence is amusing to them. She is an exhibit. How do idiotic Westerners allow a woman to do a man's job?
  2. Jacob Martin

    Doklam standoff day 50: China says military action against India in 2 weeks

    Look, whether India is a poor country to live in or not is besides the point. Being Singaorean one should know that war is not good for anybody. Whatever Singapore is today is due to peace and stability. War is the enemy of both.
  3. Jacob Martin

    Doklam standoff day 50: China says military action against India in 2 weeks

    Actually the situation with Professor Huang is precarious. He is an American citizen and cannot be arrested as US will jump in, and naming China will invite its own share of trouble. What does idyllic, welfare nanny state Singapore have in common with China? I love Singapore, it's like a second...
  4. Jacob Martin

    Doklam standoff day 50: China says military action against India in 2 weeks

    American citizen specializing exclusively in China studies. Permanent residency stands cancelled. NUS has already terminated his employment. Will leave any day now. I just came in from Changi. End up being in Singapore at least a week every month. I don't see many friends of China there.
  5. Jacob Martin

    Doklam standoff day 50: China says military action against India in 2 weeks

    Singapore just threw out an NUS professor for being a Chinese agent. You want to be next?
  6. Jacob Martin

    Muslims-only apartments coming up in Greater Noida

    Yeah, with a track record like we have in preventing or prosecuting communal riots, people still wonder why Muslims want to live in ghettos. Because apparently threat to life is a minor inconvenience like lack of public transport.
  7. Jacob Martin

    Muslims-only apartments coming up in Greater Noida

    Security fear could either lead to increased attempts to blend into mixed residential areas or live in ghettos. The former is becoming increasingly difficult in most places because people will simply not sell it rent to Muslims. That leaves them with little choice but to live in ghettos, no...
  8. Jacob Martin

    Muslims-only apartments coming up in Greater Noida

    The closest area where Muslims lived in numbers near our place in Aambagaan Sakchi was the Sakchi Mosque area. But then again mostly lower income housing. You are probably right about upper middle class people. I guess especially after the series of riots post-1990 this process has accelerated...
  9. Jacob Martin

    Muslims-only apartments coming up in Greater Noida

    Separate living spaces AKA ghettos are the manifestation of a larger issue. Except in some low-income mixed residential, educational and commercial areas, Hindus and Muslims rarely interact at all. Most middle class or wealthy kids grow up without a SINGLE friend who is from the other religion...
  10. Jacob Martin

    India vs. China: Pakistan Onboard To Help Destroy New Delhi

    I don't know which world you live in where war between two nuclear neighbours can be good for anyone. If you are basing your assumptions on economics or aggregate military might, the threshold before which these things stop mattering is very low. Just as India cannot leverage its superiority...
  11. Jacob Martin

    In Rotterdam, posters of Jewish man and Muslim woman kissing spark a scandal

    Welcome to the Caliphate, in the heart of Europe. Europeans have no one to blame but themselves.
  12. Jacob Martin

    India train food 'not fit for human consumption'

    Indian railways is disgusting and pathetic. It is a blot on any civilized nation. For a country where we cannot stop singing peans about gareeb and kisaan, how we maintain their primary mode of transportation tells a lot about what we actually think of them.
  13. Jacob Martin

    Height of Pakistanis has fallen 4'' over 50 years

    There was a thread on it as well... https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/height-of-pakistanis-has-fallen-4-inches-over-50-years-say-experts.178704/
  14. Jacob Martin

    Germany makes final break with Turkey : cancels all investments and issues travel warning

    Erdogan is a bully if ever there was one. Appeasement never works with his kind. Confrontation is the only response he understands and even respects. Instead of rallying behind him, Turks should ask hard questions - what is the justification for spoiling relations with the country where millions...
  15. Jacob Martin

    Gormint Aunty's life has taken a sad turn after she became a viral sensation

    Social villification and boycott are the worst things that can be done to another human being. Since the function of meanness is discharged by the group, individuals feel diffused responsibility and even moral certainty in doing such a villainous thing.
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