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Recent content by Jacobtheindoamerican

  1. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Indian-origin pilot marries Chinese colleague

    ChinaChina's comment reminded me of them..
  2. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    No I am not your saying its a sin to say this word in a song. But your nation supports NATO and China by buying and accepting their weapons. Look at what China is doing in the eastern Muslim Turkic areas. NATO you all ready hate them, but buy their weapons. As a Muslim nation like Pakistan isnt...
  3. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    man no one is going to slap any one so keep that to your self. Yes he/she follows Quran great. Then he/she will follow the nation also.
  4. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Indian-origin pilot marries Chinese colleague

    Singapore is a nice role model because it has cultural diversity, racial diversity, religious diversity, etc but its people can still come together and form one mind.
  5. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    Indian Muslims are by FAR the most liberal. How many times did terrorist in Pakistan and Taliban called Jihad and called upon the Indian Muslims? Did most answer NO! Image if even 10% act like the Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.. I dont even want to call them Muslims, because they use the...
  6. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    Tell that to Pakistanis that drink alcohol, smoke, etc, etc, etc and practice other things that are "haaram" . And the once that are just not plain good Muslims. There are a lot of Muslims, Hindus, Christians, etc out there but must are not true Muslims, Hindus, Christian but just carry that title..
  7. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    I hate when some Pakistanis think all minorities in India are under pressure or something. Look I was born into a Orthodox Christian family in India. My family for generations lived with Hindus and Muslims with no harm. We had NO problem practicing our religion in India.I have fam in India right...
  8. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    That same 80% Hindus that voted in Zakir Hussain, Mohammad Hidayatullah, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam as President of India. Or the Muslims Indians in bollywood gotten that opportunity in the fear of death? Give me and other Indians a break. :disagree: They can bow to what...
  9. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

    its like saying i bow to the nation.
  10. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Indian-origin pilot marries Chinese colleague

    I know of the Japanese, Africans, Lebanese, etc, etc, etc in Brazil. I still dont think its concentrated like New York City. You can just about find every single group of people in NYC. And your compare a whole nation to a city/state. NYC has Russians, Polish, Italians, Irish, Indian...
  11. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Indian-origin pilot marries Chinese colleague

    I still dont think Brazil matchs to the city even though they are very much multi racial too. Give me the medal. And you compared a whole nation to a small state.
  12. Jacobtheindoamerican

    What Mobile You Are Using

    :agree: using it right know........ HTC Evo is #2, Iphone-4 #1...
  13. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Indian-origin pilot marries Chinese colleague

    I live in NYC, I know about interracial marriages/dating probably more then most on this forum............
  14. Jacobtheindoamerican

    Indian-origin pilot marries Chinese colleague

    According to government statistics, Singapore's population was 4.68 million, 2.4% of whom were multi-ethnic, mostly Chindians. Also in 2007, 16.4% of all marriages in Singapore were inter-ethnic, again mostly between Chinese and Indians.
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