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Recent content by Jehanzeb-akhtar

  1. J

    Taj Mahal will collaspe in 5 years

    I hope not because i like this building alot ... it is TAJ of india
  2. J

    Sino-Pakistan Relations - Really Not Good as Shown

    At least we have a friend and u seem to have no friend ...
  3. J

    India must go for Covert Action in Pakistan: Book

    well try it .. i think so u dnt have balls for it ... grow some balls u r 10th our size and much rich now ... why dnt u try it? coz u also know barking dogs seldom bite btw I heard from some that Gandhi is Gay from some Israeli newspaper? is that TRUE ?
  4. J

    Abu Hamza silent on ISI role in Mumbai attacks

    Why don't you try the Israelis way? I dont think you have the balls to do it :) Israelis have so many nations supporting them unconditionally . You dont have that advantage . Stop being so arrogant you are not a super power yet
  5. J

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    I don't think you have the balls to do anything. U can't even handle country one 10th of your size . As they say the barking dogs seldom bite . All you people are good at is run to mommy daddy and do drama . You should stop applying things you learn from StarPlus into your foreign policy .
  6. J

    If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

    Stop barging about your best pilots . watch it bro .... American pilot making fun of Indian pilots - YouTube
  7. J

    May Allah save Islam from Pakistan

    We haven't any heard of any protest in India when they butchered 1 lakh kashmir's . Btw its human nature. We can't protest when 3000 american dies in 9/11 because we know what motives that crazy people to do such act . They have killed millions of Muslim before 9/11 happened . They should keep...
  8. J

    Abu Jundal: It’s not Pakistan that is in denial, it’s us

    No wonder Indians are so good in making drama's. Stop watching so much star plus . U really started to sound like an argumentative lil girl. Pakistan don't gives a Rat's *** about what India think . Its your obsession with Pakistan and we love the attention .
  9. J

    Abu Jundal: It’s not Pakistan that is in denial, it’s us

    Well we never feel ashamed because u talk without proof . If u are that sure that ur proofs are so accurate why not go into swiss courts or UN . Or if u think we definatly did it grow small balls and declear war .. Stop fight like an old aunty in a mohalla
  10. J

    Abu Jundal: It’s not Pakistan that is in denial, it’s us

    Well we never feel ashamed because u talk without proof . If u are that sure that ur proofs are so accurate why not go into swiss courts or UN . Or if u think we definatly did it grow small balls and declear war .. Stop fight like an old aunty in a mohalla
  11. J

    Supremacy of Parliament a misconception, says CJ

    HI Stop fighting guys ...
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