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Recent content by khanmubashir

  1. khanmubashir

    Military Technical Cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Ukraine and the weapon systems offered for JVs

    Multiple mobile radar systems with more or less same specs Atgm too
  2. khanmubashir

    Military Technical Cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Ukraine and the weapon systems offered for JVs

    What I am getting from this many are proposed projects which require time and investment to make the final products Many weapon systems are of same category so basically competing design
  3. khanmubashir

    Taliban Using Captured Helicopters To Deploy Frontline Troops

    Well that means kabul regime pilot's are flying Taliban around
  4. khanmubashir

    38.1% Pakistanis Now Below the Poverty Line :US Dept of Agriculture

    So these two guys tweeting different graphs claimed to be sourced from same USDA This shows how fake news spread on social media
  5. khanmubashir

    Iranian President- Iran and India can play constructive and useful role in ensuring security in Afghanistan

    It's flagged as suspicious site and asks taking risk to view the actual site
  6. khanmubashir

    Iranian President- Iran and India can play constructive and useful role in ensuring security in Afghanistan

    Typical cheap Indian media twisting statement of others and giving words they never uttered tk boost dumb sanghis ego But only makes em dumber But that good dumber the sanghis more trp for Godi media
  7. khanmubashir

    Pakistan could technically execute Ghazwatul hind today if there was political incentive - Stragetic analysis

    My calculation are never wrong ?? Where did you got your war calculation degree sonny Ignore this chump he's just a troll trying to get attention he craves as doesn't in real life Your real flags are showing Sonny
  8. khanmubashir

    Pakistan needs ICBM

    So now dumb sanghi even calling Chinese based virus their own Chumps got no originality Well uptil now majority of victims of your variant are your own people and would remain so Don't worry about us vaccination started And Already alot of people imunized who recovered from older strains...
  9. khanmubashir

    Pakistan could overtake India in trade with China in eight years: official

    China is the largest producer of industrial inputs in the world There's no finished product in world which doesn't has something Chinese Pakistani industry can buy Chinese input's at a lower cost to make finished products to be exported to other countries Even Chinese can utilize lower...
  10. khanmubashir

    Taliban Capture and Execute Afghan Army Commander along with His Guards in Herat

    This tweet says Taliban approached him as fighters loyal to kabul regime later executed him this shows Kabul regime is infiltrated with Taliban or regime Soldiers changing sides When Kabul regime had upper hand it mass slaughter taliban and even their families Now Taliban settling scores...
  11. khanmubashir

    What Would a Hypothetical U.S.-Pakistan War Look Like?

    So in end cost of war Willbe too high for USA No guarantee that all nukes will be neutralised And if Pak uses nukes in retaliation Global catastrophe The same reason USA didn't invade mug smaller north Korea Germany and Japan did not have nukes Sonny North Korea does and USA didn't even...
  12. khanmubashir

    Talibans Newly Graduated Units From Badri-313 Battalion

    Are these Kabul regime soldiers who chsged Are these Kabul regime soldiers who changed sides Btw I think there's woman in the rider pic Are taliban really these progressive It it's just a Photoshop
  13. khanmubashir

    UK the second largest defence exporter in the world with the industry supporting over 200,000 jobs

    Look at that the biggest customers of UK defence products are major western nations themselves USA France included I thikthink it's sub systems for their own weapon systems Plus UK Rolls-Royce engine for jets .are the commercial ones also included in this ???
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