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Recent content by lahori786

  1. L

    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

    Loss of life is always saddening. However, I have NO SYMPATHY for the Indian soldiers because they are part of a terrorist army that oppresses people. If the Indian army was not so belligerent and calleous, then I would feel bad for them. But in the end, you reap what you sow, and India...
  2. L

    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    the money Pakistan spends on its army is FAR LESS than what India spends (4 billion for Pak versus 21 billion for India). Also, pakistan only spends to have an ability to "deter" India from attacking. This theory of deterrence worked very well in 2001-02 when India belligerently mobilized...
  3. L

    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    That's what I am saying. India should stop occupying Kashmir and let Kashmir rightfully join Pakistan as was the intent in the two nation theory. After that happens, both India and Pakistan could focus on giving $$$$ to the poor in each nation. Pakistan does have its poor, and yet...
  4. L

    Too many Indians on this Pakistani Forum

    Also, please read this link. Its from an Indian survey that shows how roughly 67% percent of Indians view Pakistan as the enemy. If that is true, how can it be beneficial to hear Indian viewpoints on a Pakistani message board? Its just going to create unnecessary conflict, which no one...
  5. L

    Too many Indians on this Pakistani Forum

    I hope my comments do not sound biased because I did not intend them to be. However, the fact remains that there are a lot of Indians on this message board who continue to spew Indian propaganda and pro-Indian viewpoints. I know intelligent discussion is warranted, however, I do not see why...
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    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    These are the links that I was telling you about earlier. I am not posting these to defame India or engage in a propaganda campaign against India. I told you that I am a humanitarian first, and I look for the betterment of people whether they are muslim, hindu, christian, etc.... While I am...
  7. L

    Paf Fighter Pilot Died In Jordan

    Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji'oon
  8. L

    Pak eases restrictions on A Q Khan

    Musharraf should "commute" his sentence and allow a hero like AQ Khan to live his once again. After all, Bush did a similar thing with Scooter Libby.
  9. L

    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    Its a flawed concept to have the "princely" states choose their fate. The fact is that under the two nation theory the muslim majority provinces should have made up Pakistan and the non muslim states should have belonged to India. Under your logic, Junagedh whose muslim leader acceded to...
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    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    I know all about the alleged accession treaty. First of all, it is disputed as to whether or not any treaty was signed by the non-muslim leader of kashmir at the time. Historians such as Alastair Lamb strongly believe that no treaty was signed. With regard to a Pakistani invasion, that...
  11. L

    No need to keep huge army, says Asghar Khan

    This is not really true. India instigated this "Indo-Pak" rivalry by occupying Kashmir militarily and also by witholding the money that Pakistan was entitled to after partition. All of these military exercises after 1947 are a direct result of India's occupation of Kashmir. Had India not...
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