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Recent content by lamdacore

  1. L

    NATO Commander Increases Prediction to 550 F-35s in Europe by 2030

    Exactly my thoughts! F35 has been faced with so many problems and such massive costs that affordability is a real problem. In face of China as a near-peer adversary and one that is outpacing the US in conventional armaments, the future of the F35 looked bleak. The cost of the F35 program has...
  2. L

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    If the past is any guide, Germany wrote off the Soviet Union the very same way and started Operation Barbaros. Soviets faced annihilation and then geared their economy for war. What happens after a long time was a complete reversal with Soviets in Germany and emerging as a super power. This did...
  3. L

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    No doubt they can and so can Russia. My point is that they are deducing things on the ground according to how they would do things. Russia has a very different approach to warfare. Russia is willing to lose soliders, and lots of them, just to achieve an objective. The West, does not have...
  4. L

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    A lot of analysts do not believe the shit going around on twitterland that Russia this curling up to die. We are still witnessing the early stages of the war. This is going to become a war of attrition and both sides will suffer losses. Its strange that only the West knows how well Ukraine is...
  5. L

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    I am not saying that the Russia (Putin) is going to change the world order. He is in for some pain as a result of the war. However, these sanctions are double edged. Russia which up to this point has been pretty tame will now seek to flex muscles elsewhere. Whether those muscles are strong...
  6. L

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    The thing is that the US had laid the trap many years ago before Trump when its used to foot the bill of Nato which other members did not want to pay. This indicates that the US needed Nato more than Europeans themselves. The US has to have an enemy, a nemesis so it can always justify the need...
  7. L

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    I wanted to reply here for several days but my personal affairs got in the way. Anyhow, much has happened since when I first wanted to write but still relevant as my understanding is with respect to Putin's strategy. Right now, there is a massive disinformation campaign against Russia. I for...
  8. L

    Tragic Mistake': U.S. Admits Killing 10 Civilians, Including 7 Children, in Kabul drone strike.

    So....no compensation? Clearly, even a $1 mil would not be enough.
  9. L

    Why nations that fail women fail

    Bla bla bla. Honestly, our generation grew up with these voices and so many are sick of it and worse yet is that we can see right through the lies. Here is western women rights: 1) She can choose to wear whatever she wants to wear - Western concept is that its ok for women to show their skin...
  10. L

    The Taliban embraces Right to Repair

    Depends on the extent of damage to each of the units. If the chassis is intact then perhaps the Chinese and Russians could offer custom solutions and retrofit their own kit to get them operational. Else, the options always stands to disassemble everything and then sell what can be sold and melt...
  11. L

    A 'Marshall Plan' for Afghanistan

    This is the best time for regional powers to demonstrate how to help a fellow neighbour stand up on its feet after 40+ years of war. This is going to be a massive win for all players if they play their cards right. Russia & China - They need to be involved and they most likely will because they...
  12. L

    USA is finally out of Afghanistan

    The thing is that Americans tried everything and were persistent and arrogant thinking they were better but at long last they gave up as expected and as predicted with double the humiliation. It will be a tough sell to be a US ally in the coming future.
  13. L

    New Taliban Traffic Police In Action

    Equipped for war but performing peace duties. Talk about being diametrically opposed...lol
  14. L

    How the Taliban's Afghanistan takeover could hurt US-Pakistan ties

    I dont think we should be too fussed about the US not accepting Pakistan version of events or even putting the blame on Pakistan for its own failures. This decable has only shown everyone how bad and imbalanced of a relationship this already was. Pakistan has secured its future with China and...
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