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Recent content by mike05

  1. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    My god you are peanut, I put the link because there are comments linking to other reports by US congressional findings indicating that India too is guilty of proliferation. Can you 100% say that India has never proliferated any Nuclear Technology to other nations??? I did not deny any of what...
  2. M

    Get ready to welcome the Kid on the block

    I think its more appropriate to say stable countries as opposed to democratic countries are more suited to possess WMD's, ultimately the people don't actually decide how the weapons are used and by the time its used it will be too late for anyone to be held accountable.
  3. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Actually I was not implying anything and was not intending too anyway, my points were simply if Pakistan did not have a nuclear weapon back in 98 would India still use diplomacy to negotiate with them? Given that India is a lot stronger military and financially then it was 3 decades ago compared...
  4. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Mate if you know something to back the statement you mentioned about identifying the bomb based on machination please just lay it out and save us some time. Cheers
  5. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    I'm not a nuclear expert but after the bomb has gone off can the forensics team even find the components which make up the bomb assuming they don't get fried at ground zero? I thought they usually check the signature pattern of the nuclear material to determine the origin of the bomb.
  6. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    So whats your point? Are you saying because Pakistan started all wars with India in the past and India has never been an aggressor towards Pakistan an act of aggression by India will never happen in the future?? Its no doubt that China did provide assistance to Pakistan to develop its...
  7. M

    Games stadium badly off track with just hours to go

    [/B] :D Nice to see some humor, its needed these days
  8. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Everyone's biased including you and me, you mentioned India's has never invaded another country but we can go on about the border skirmishes in 67 and who's fault it was that the first incursion was made etc. Point here is no one can say for certain if history will always hold true for a...
  9. M

    Couldn't match high bar set by China

    Just focusing on the money bit and not the games itself Beijing got a lot out of the 40 billions that was spent which can be found in this link. No offense but with the current level of corruption within the GOI even with the same budget I highly doubt anything near that level of infrastructure...
  10. M

    China, India & U.S. stock markets compared

    Strange the author did not include the Hang Seng Index which the world market have a bigger influence on.
  11. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    I've leave this for a Pakistan member to reply, I think they are better qualified to judge this for themselves. China did not provide Nukes, Pakistan developed the nukes herself and so did India using their civilian nuclear program. Going by your logic Pakistan has not used the nukes or...
  12. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    Thats not a justification that's an assumption. China and Pakistan have a relationship going back decades, of course supporting Pakistan is also a means to control India but with everyone on the same continent war between any countries is bad news for everyone. Assuming China did not back...
  13. M

    All of a sudden O'Donnell claims China wants to take over USA

    Surely there must be a better way, I mean think of the bullets you'll waste :rofl:
  14. M

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    And how do you justify a statement like that? From the observation and post of many Pakistani and Chinese members I can see that the relations between between China and Pakistan is very different from the one between the US and India.
  15. M

    A bumpier but freer road (India and China)-The Economist

    I'm wondering how this graph will look like when the time comes. Actually more like what the price of oil will be
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