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Recent content by mikey

  1. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    sir, dont worry these men are frm Paramilitary ,600000 are still intact lol..and this is still so low in compare with those get encounterd every day! ! Now the ratio is 6:1 sir..
  2. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    jana ji india gotta dozen insurgencies and we tackle succesfully like northeast and kashmir is today much peaceful than early or late 90s but you have only one but it makes you bleeding everyday ,pakistan is failing to curb this menace accept it...open your morning NP and read the headlines...
  3. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    you know what man,you read so much but applies nufing... You have no sympthy for human being ,even he dead which is a basic rite of him.
  4. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    who are you man ? ?where you stand ? Infrnt of me every soldier from any country deserves Respect... Dont teach IA BOT HUMAN RIGHTS ,I DONT WANT TO OPEN KALA CHITAA HERE AND WHAT MAKES INTERNATIONAL NEWS .
  5. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    give respect ,take respect ,we also know where your soft belly is ? ? Soldiers are soldiers .
  6. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    betta keep ya stinky mouth shut m8 , to me pak sold deserves no respect at baluc ? Coz they are human rite ?
  7. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    if mods are not in favour of respect of soldiers of either countries than god help us..
  8. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    you are not kashmir nor this forum rite ? ?
  9. mikey

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    you keep chanting this K word and we keep listening...but kaya kare ju tak nahi rengti .
  10. mikey

    My favourite Pakistani members

    In my list its 1> sombozo 2>peaceful (tiwan lol) these 2 are the best of all pak members,oops!peaceful is frm taiwan...lalala
  11. mikey

    [Obama's visit] Why India's realty scam should interest President Obama

    sir!why pakistani member so serious about your economy and never missed a single chance to compare with china such as oooh!look look americans are weak and nimble,china is truly rising.. And to be practical china is just a new powerplayer and still decades behind USA and this is also 4 india. ..
  12. mikey

    [Obama's visit] Why India's realty scam should interest President Obama

    oh!ji he is a international correspondent , if he get paid to write something against india then why not ,else uske ghar ka choola nahi jalega..
  13. mikey

    Germany, Japan fume at Obama's UN nod

    What stuff they offered to you ? ? Lol do you mean NSG WAIVER,UNSC,MTCR AND NUCLEAR nonPROFRILFICATION MEMEBER ,space tech ? ? And whatever they offered to you we have already in our pocket hehehe..
  14. mikey

    HAL has Built Nearly 80 Su30mki Already

    Am humbly request All indian Members to report this guy to mods as i did now and if Even then mods are using double standards till morning then am Taking MOKSHA FROM THIS FORUM..IF WE CANT ENJOY THE EQUAL RIGHTS AS PROMISED BY MODS THEN AM NOT GOING TO SPEND A SINGLE SEC AS AM NOT some kinda 2ND...
  15. mikey

    India vs Pakistan - Evaluation on Military Strengths

    RAW DOING WHAT ? Buhahaha why dont you show the world or you dont have anything but zaid hamid ... Rogue ISI agent did funding and planned 26/11 ,member of PA now they retired at interpol list..David cameroon,nw obama too plz do take your time to read bbc and cnn all flocking feathers together...
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