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Recent content by mivy

  1. M

    Defense budget to grow 12.7% to $91.5 billion

    You are always talking nonsense, without citing any relyable data. I hope that PLA will play a more positive role in helping and protecting citizens, like the retreat in Libya. never be that agressive and bully like world police.
  2. M

    how did china build its infrastructure ?

    I don't believe in inborn IQ difference between different races(the question is stupid itself and not politically correct across the world). Maybe the cause is the different culture. Chinese use Chinese characters which may help Chinese (the same goes for other east-asian countries)do better in...
  3. M

    China extends railway to Tibet's 2nd largest city

    Please use Xizang Autonomous region when you refer to Tibet next time. Because Tibet might make the public feel that Tibet region is a independent Country, the fact is that the central government of China obtained Jurisdiction there centuries ago.
  4. M

    How long will Russia last?

    Russia will not fall as long as she has the largest reserve of nuclear weapons, and it will be difficult to tell the future of Russia, but it is certain that India will not become the superpower in the short future. Many Indians have not realized that they are in the same boat with China. The...
  5. M

    How long will Russia last?

    In my opinion, Russia herself will not be a trustworthy ally at all, neither will be USA, We can easily find the fact from their history. Just as the saying goes:Not the forever enemy, does not have the forever friend, only has the forever benefit. Actually,in ancient China, long-term friendship...
  6. M

    Again Two PLAN warships spotted near Japan

    You are right that it's international waters,but I think Chinese military are concerning about the Joint exercise near Yellow Sea organized by US Navy and other 13 countries,it may be a military action respond to it ,as it is more sensitive at this time(esepcially when disputes occur between...
  7. M

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

  8. M

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

    Don't argue with him, he may be not a real Indian and makes no sense all the time. I know many Indians who have been in China for many times. They admire the achievements China and India attained this twenty years. I have never seen such a impolite Indian guy like him.
  9. M

    Chinese Navy Air Force

    There are too many J-8s, it will take a long time for PLAN to phase them out. J-8s were the first aircrafter indepently designed by China,testing of Chinese own technology. In this way, J-8 series and the their developing progress siginificant in China's avic industry before J-10 was developed.
  10. M

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

    Sounds interesting, you were the guy coming to argue in the section(China Defence) of forum. I have every reason to talk in our place. China not only has four time nominal GDP that of India(two and a half times in terms of purchase power), but also we have faster economic growth compared to...
  11. M

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

    U r the joking guy, elvis esparza is not even a traditional English name. How come those overseas chinese use such names. In fact, many of them are trying to intergrate themselves to local communities in US,they often choose common British Names when they go to school or work, with a Chinese...
  12. M

    Fears grow that PLA may test 'carrier killer'

    Just put those illusions aside, even ordinary chinese don't believe so-called Aircraft carrier Killer. DF-21 series missiles exist for a long time was never designed to attack Aircrafter carriers. In fact, it is still disputable whether it is possible in theory to use missiles to attack moving...
  13. M

    China vs India -- from Japan's point of view

    I am deeply impressed by Indian's optimistics, they have 100% confidence in the future but they pay no attention to current social problems.
  14. M

    China's nuclear warheads should match the US and Russia

    So you mean, China should thank US as the defender,preventing Japan from developing Nuclear weapons.
  15. M

    Google's Last Hope In China Is 2012

    I never prasied China Government for these stupid behaviours.But you must aware that the google is not a sacred angel for these issues. They claimed that they are not willing to do evils, meantime, they cheat the users in ideology. So do not blame china government when google is a propaganda...
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