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Recent content by mlkoo

  1. mlkoo

    helo n hi to all! well... i ve jst read wat all u wrote...sonic!...u might b right but i think...

    helo n hi to all! well... i ve jst read wat all u wrote...sonic!...u might b right but i think that u r not aware of some facts or sume one has really misled and givn very wrong information to u.... u ve tried to make an earnest endeavour to give an impression dat pak officers r only enjoying...
  2. mlkoo

    Pakistan Military Officer Pay Scale/Recruitment

    plz do read ma post... i replied wat"sonic" misled every body regarding perks n priveledges dat pak officers enjoy comparitevely to indian officers... plz read it just once... its a requst
  3. mlkoo

    Pakistan Military Officer Pay Scale/Recruitment

    helo n hi to all! well... i ve jst read wat all u wrote...sonic!...u might b right but i think that u r not aware of some facts or sume one has really misled and givn very wrong information to u.... u ve tried to make an earnest endeavour to give an impression dat pak officers r only enjoying...
  4. mlkoo

    Pakistan Military Officer Pay Scale/Recruitment

    helo n hi to all! well... i ve jst read wat all u wrote...sonic!...u might b right but i think that u r not aware of some facts or sume one has really misled and givn very wrong information to u.... u ve tried to make an earnest endeavour to give an impression dat pak officers r only enjoying...
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