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Recent content by Rahi812

  1. Rahi812

    Broadsheet Inquiry Report

    We have all seen the media reporting of the broadsheet inquiry report. Could anyone please share the link to that actual repot? Thanks in advance.
  2. Rahi812

    Kulbhushan's wife traveling to Pakistan, India seeks guarantee of safety

    I hate to jump in these sort of discussion The answer is very simple the ISI had entered their agents in his network. They caught him by inviting him to Pakistan or in Iran. But ultimately he was traped, this happens in these sort of jobs. The Bigger question is why both countries are...
  3. Rahi812

    Kulbhushan's wife traveling to Pakistan, India seeks guarantee of safety

    All the people who traveled to Pakistan every year mostly religious reasons, they are safe because their relatives don't have charges of espionage. This woman is safer because anything happens to her will have a black mark on the security agencies. As far as your example of the shooting of a...
  4. Rahi812

    Sagarika Ghatge marries Zaheer Khan, see photos of the newlyweds and wedding card

    Congratulations! Good luck and all the best.
  5. Rahi812

    Thousands of youngsters in Kashmir have to live without eyes

    I am glad you have declared the Hindutva philosophy. It's completely fine. But what has happened if Muslim rulers of India have followed an islamic version of Hindutva philosophy, maybe there won't be a single Hindu in South Asia. you have asked "the occupants of the land need to decide whether...
  6. Rahi812

    Thousands of youngsters in Kashmir have to live without eyes

    The referendum could be the best option. Then whatever people will decide all the stakeholders should accept it. There should be only three options on the referendum a) Pakistan b) India c) Independent state.
  7. Rahi812

    Thousands of youngsters in Kashmir have to live without eyes

    You have asked " Sins of fathers.....or Karma...choose your pick". What about when rest of India has to face this situation "Sins of fathers.....or Karma...choose your pick". Please let us know then what would be your pick. Keep in mind every action has a reaction. Don't you think instead of...
  8. Rahi812

    Manushi Chillar look completely different in her old pictures

    Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar looks completely unrecognisable in these old photos We couldn’t believe it was really the newly-crowned Miss World 2017, Manushi Chhillar, when we saw her old photos. But the 20-year-old medical student’s jaw-dropping transformation is nothing new, as most beauty...
  9. Rahi812

    Pakistani-British woman made Scotland Yard’s detective superintendent

    She is now a role model for other immigrant women.
  10. Rahi812

    Baluchistan killings... FIA arrests three suspects from Sialkot, Gujranwala

    I agree with you it has given nothing to Pakistan and India. The only solution is let's make Kashmir Switzerland of SouthAsia. This is the only way Kashmir could bring peace to this region.
  11. Rahi812

    2 more families appeal militant sons to return home

    Instead of making Kashmir, Switzerland of South Asia, we have made it a battleground.
  12. Rahi812

    Thousands of youngsters in Kashmir have to live without eyes

    Thousands of Kashmir's are a victim of pellet guns and now they have to live their life's without eyes. This is the worst kind of human torture. Face of Kashmir’s pellet woes, Insha Mushtaq gives her Class 10 board exams Insha Mushtaq became the face of the plight of 2,500-odd victims of pellet...
  13. Rahi812

    Baluchistan killings... FIA arrests three suspects from Sialkot, Gujranwala

    When there would be no military there would be no operation Gibraltar or Kargil, more military more guns more operation Kargil, where this will end. Great Nehru with his great obsession with Kashmir has brought a great war to this country. Otherwise what else Kashmir has given to India; war...
  14. Rahi812

    China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Updates & Discussions

    Surprise! why don't they built this technology park in Gwadar?
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