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Recent content by Realtalk108

  1. R

    Taklu Imported PM decided to increase 20 PKR per Liter

    Petrol price in Pakistan is now ~80 INR/Liter. India is 100 INR/Liter :o:.
  2. R

    BREAKING: Pakistan bans Minority Hindu festival of Holi to save “Islamic Identity” in Universities

    LMAO. It's been just two days. Folded already. The lesson here is don't try to tell your upper class elite what to do or not. You are not their equal and will never be, no matter how 'pious' you try to present yourself.
  3. R

    PDF in a nutshell

    Uh the classic.
  4. R

    Australia to recruit skilled manpower from BD

    Oh we certainly hope so!
  5. R

    PKR plummets to all-time low of 255 against USD (268.3 Now!)

    This appears unusually high. May be due to the floods which hurt the domestic economy. Over last few years the deficit has been between $5-$10 billion.
  6. R

    PKR plummets to all-time low of 255 against USD (268.3 Now!)

    My numbers are from 2020. Covid year but $80 billion sounds too high. Source? 2021 figures are as follows - Import - $63 billion Export - $32 billion Remittance received - $31 billion Remittance paid - $0.2 billion So 2021 had a marginally positive BoP. But prior years (2018, 2019) all had...
  7. R

    PKR plummets to all-time low of 255 against USD (268.3 Now!)

    Pakistan has a 5-10 billion USD CAD, not 40 billion. ~$50 billion import vs ~$25 billion export + ~$20 billion remittance. Islamabad should have cut subsidies and devalued the PKR loooong back. If you are consistently running a CAD year after year then it's obvious that the currency is...
  8. R

    Why is India excluded from OIC?

    AFAIK, this push is due to request from Indian Muslims themselves. Although Muslims are minority in India, OIC should make an exception. 190-200 million is a huge number.
  9. R

    Pakistan fast heading into economic meltdown

    He doesn't have any plan. He is just another clueless subcon boomer like the rest of them who simply don't understand macro. He will win the next election but the way things are going, he may end up getting Bhuttoed. Anyhow, default or no default, this is gonna look like Argentina-2001 for the...
  10. R

    China’s population shrinks for first time in over 60 years: Official data

    This is wonderful news! China will start to have more room. And that will push TFR back up in the future. Yes, a lot of Chinese elderly will die poor. But they have spent their entire lives poor. There isn't much you can do about it. Everyone dies. What's so 'horrible' about it? The thing...
  11. R

    On India- by ex-air mahshal Shahzad Chaudhry

    The Chhitmahal swap deal comes to mind. This was stuck since 1970s and remained stuck even during UPA (although they did start the important groundwork). NDA2 neatly cleared the deal in 2015.
  12. R

    Saudi Arabia Joining BRICS and what it implies..

    "New world superpower alliance?" LAWL! :rofl: Do people not bother even reading the label on the bottle? How on earth are China and India in an 'alliance'? They literally had a military skirmish just a short while back. Also Turkey and KSA?! This grouping was created in early 2000s by a...
  13. R

    UAE rolls over existing $2bn loan, agrees to provide additional $1bn

    Yup. Basically a rollover I think IMF has put in some pretty extreme terms this time. Or else they would have gotten the deal by now. They are in talks with IMF for last few months. In fact IK was kicked out precisely to get the deal done. But still nothing. Basically, IMF will ask to devalue...
  14. R

    Bangladesh Denies Entry To Russian Vessel Loaded With Components For The Nation’s First Nuclear Power Plant

    Except that's not what happened here. Your neighbor on the left was delivering a package to your doorstep. It's part of a vital and strategic national infra project. You had to refuse the delivery on order from your neighbor on the right. It's not a 'complex' geopolitical issue. It's fairly...
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