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Recent content by russellviper89

  1. R

    India-China 2013: India to take tougher stance

    All Hail Sir Hong Who the greatest military genius China produced since sun tzu:china:.
  2. R

    Shaheed Diwas: Have we done justice to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev? -

    When did Shaheed become a Muslim word, if I am not mistaken it is a persian word used in both Hindi and Urdu. If Pakistanis have so much problem with us using the word then first stop using Indian language like Punjabi and Urdu which is Inspired by khariboli a North Indian language. They can can...
  3. R

    British woman jumps from Agra hotel to escape sexual attack

    Awesome legalizing prostitution is the solution, should I post the link in which the so called liberal society's in Europe where prostitution is legal. Human right violation and trafficking occurs, your suggestion is no different than from asking women to cover up to avoid rape. @KRAIT dude...
  4. R

    Breaking News Italian Marines won't return to India

    WTF accidental fire ? how the hell do you know that sir. 2 fisherman lost there lives, because these faggots went trigger happy. They may not have ha the Intention to kill, that does not mean they can escape from the law of land. Do we have an extradition treaty with Italy?
  5. R

    Iran to launch first professional telecom satellite: Official

    Dear sir no need to mock them It is a nation with great potential, they have achieved a lot even after all the unreasonable International sanction against them. They remind me of India when Uncle sam had put sanction against us after our first nuclear explosion :). They are proud people, a...
  6. R

    There's No Way The F-35 Will Ever Match The Eurofighter In Aerial Combat

    Not really stealth has big disadvantage is that it can be detected by low frequency radar. But using a low freq radar is not an easy thing due to clutter. It seems F117 was shot down by similar system.
  7. R

    licensed assembly to production:India wants to produce Russian tanks T-90C

    Dont know dude IA is looking for light tank around 45 ton. Mk2 I heard is again crossing close to 60 tonne. If DRDO is not successful to reduce weight i doubt IA will procure it.
  8. R

    Heroes we lost!

    Colonel Jojan Thomas he was my neighbour in Bangalore I still remember the day when I heard the news of his death my father had tears in his eyes after hearing it. Rest in peace sir you will be always be a shining example for our nation youth to follow.
  9. R


    Why is the guy who opened this dumb thread the official spokesperson of republic of India. Trust me we Indians are the most pessimistic people you will ever find . Though we wont be a Super Power but we will surely take our right full place in the world order.
  10. R

    Russia leases planes to Cuba, writes off multi-billion-dollar Soviet debt

    It is the only country in the world where socialisam has been successful till now.
  11. R

    Henry Kissinger a former foe who now roots for India

    The yanks where really paranoid of communism, even going to great length to support autocratic regime all over the world.
  12. R

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    Look buddy the age of wars is over this not WW2 when we one country would Invade the other. In today's world economy matters more than anything else. I might seem hawkish but I am all for better relationship with China is best interest of my country. Good luck with Gwadar by the way. Peace:)
  13. R

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    Isn't there freedom struggle going in Balochistan?
  14. R

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    But what if after Uncle Sam leaves we start seeing Chinese drones over Pakistan trying to take out those terrorist from Xingjian after all Pakistan has become epicentre of terrorism. Oh please the Chinese are simply using Pakistan against as Indians they are willing to fight India till the last...
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