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Recent content by sanibhagwan

  1. sanibhagwan

    Fault lines in Indo-Nepal relations

    It is only because of Indian aggression you have Bangladesh. :lol:
  2. sanibhagwan

    Pakistan seeks India's help at WTO

    We learnt that from china. For India, 26/11 great tragedy. For China, they were a great opportunity, to squeeze out some political concessions, from a suffering people. (remember JUD incident in UN)
  3. sanibhagwan

    74 Andhra lawmakers quit over Telangana issue

    First Operation Searchlight has to happen. similar to how many bangladeshis got killed. Then Operation Blitz has to happen. Again number of bangladeshis got maimed. Then a power, equivalent of USA or Russia has to intervene. Otherwise you could keep dreaming. :lol: Similar break up...
  4. sanibhagwan

    How China builds these, and why India never does

    No No, 150 years, If that makes you sleep well..:lol:
  5. sanibhagwan

    How China builds these, and why India never does

    Heard of world's largest refinery... Yes, its in india.
  6. sanibhagwan

    How China builds these, and why India never does

    Please enlighten the poor souls, the last time something good happened in pakistan and how the allies cheered for you. Please don't say we are the leader in war against terrorism and the allies are cheering for us.
  7. sanibhagwan

    How China builds these, and why India never does

    Oh you have time to be concerned about another country. Very productive.
  8. sanibhagwan

    How China builds these, and why India never does

    Much akin to.. Our country doesn't host terrorist 1991 Our country doesn't host terrorist 2001 Our country doesn't host terrorist 2011
  9. sanibhagwan

    Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

    Members here are so kind to Indians, they have not included 7 sister states, Kashmir. :) The whole of India is in turmoil, yet they don't figure in "Top failed state index". :what: I understand its western propaganda. Please don't lose heart guys. Common keep posting such news and expose the...
  10. sanibhagwan

    Insurgent & Secessionist movements in India

    Karachi is in afghan border too..
  11. sanibhagwan

    Indian envoy summoned in Dhaka over PM's 'gaffe'

    Right. Listening to women get people frustrated. :woot:
  12. sanibhagwan

    Indian military terrorists get absolved

    Discussion using these keywords will get you banned buddy. Still wanted to defy the administrators. :P
  13. sanibhagwan

    India: Gujarat riots records 'destroyed'

    The border regions of china are peaceful just like south china sea. Its just those indians who don't understand it. :lol:
  14. sanibhagwan

    India: Gujarat riots records 'destroyed'

    Similarly you guys did more damage to Tibetens than.... Nope. We didn't do damage to Tibetens we have them in armed forces Indo-Tibeten Border police.
  15. sanibhagwan

    The Woes of Indian Muslims

    Contrary to popular belief ( Genocide of muslims) in this region. Their population has increased. For comparative purpose can we have a similar data from other countries in the region.
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