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Recent content by Shakeel67

  1. Shakeel67

    Celebrating Pakistani Victory | Kashmiri students ‘thrashed’ in Meerut University by Indians.

    Take it easy Indians...... there are more defeats waiting for you :D :D :D
  2. Shakeel67

    P5+1 Agreement with Iran

    I need a replyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. Shakeel67

    P5+1 Agreement with Iran

    I need to give a presentation on the topic "P5+1 agreement with Iran". all i need to present is its historical overview, salient features of the agreement, implementation plan, perspective of the regional powers, impact on iran's politics, economy and security, Gains and loses for both iran and...
  4. Shakeel67

    Difference between AIM-9L, AIM-9L(I-1) and AIM-9M

    Thanks nomi, major shetan and antibody....... :cheesy:
  5. Shakeel67

    Difference between AIM-9L, AIM-9L(I-1) and AIM-9M

    Can anybody please help me finding the exact difference between the three missiles, i-e what are their similarities, differences on the basis of performance and characteristics. Further can anyone tell a brief description of the three missiles and then compare them in a table. I would be very...
  6. Shakeel67

    Gilgit-Baltistan autonomy package wins few friends

    Actually there are only very few who talks about Balawaristan, and they are in numbered. Yet King123 make it clear that those talking about Balawaristan also wants to make it the 5th province of Pakistan and they dont want to get seperate from Pakistan and they also have no soft corner for...
  7. Shakeel67

    Gilgit-Baltistan autonomy package wins few friends

    Yes u are perfectly right that Gilgit-Baltistan people are true patriotic Pakistanis and do not want to be united with the Kashmiris. We have our own seperate identity and wants to maintain that. Gilgit-Baltistan people have sacrificed their lives for their beloved country Pakistan and proved...
  8. Shakeel67

    The Middle East situation regarding Iran

    Apparently yes, it seems that America is making grounds to attack Iran by gaining control in Middle East and surrounding countries, but practically if America does so, circumstances would be totally different then what came out to be in Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan was a country suffering...
  9. Shakeel67

    Gilgit-Baltistan autonomy package wins few friends

    I am from Skardu....GILGIT BALTISTAN..... i live here and i have been raised here......and through out my life I have not seen anyone in this region saying that they are part of Kashmir.... Although Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir remained under the same ruler for a small time during Dogra's raj...
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