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Recent content by SoundofSanity

  1. SoundofSanity

    We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

    Firstly, in my defense, I said "most posters", not all. However, in hindsight, that was harsh and rude. So I apologize. Simply a bad choice of words on my part. However, I would love to understand what other scenarios exist for India and Pakistan to get along, other than the resolution of the...
  2. SoundofSanity

    We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

    Could you kindly advise which "BC" you are referring to, Sir? Because, if it is I that you so unkindly refer to, then I would like to put to you a question that I would like answered. If not, I apologize for making this assumption. And my question would be to all those who think WAR between...
  3. SoundofSanity

    We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

    Having read the comments on this thread, I am amazed at how stupid most of the commentators are on this forum. Firstly, when I first visited this site, I imagined that the posters here were people with actual military or defense backgrounds. From the posts I have read so far, unfortunately, most...
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