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Recent content by spytek

  1. S

    Indian Navy's New Warship

    hey guys great news isn't shivalik also known as project 17
  2. S

    iaf to issue rpf for c-17 globemaster?

    unconfirmed reports r coming out of india is close to issuing rfp[request for proposal] for c-17 globemaster to replace its agging transport aircraft fleets.The uncertainty surrounding the stalled indo-russian multirole transport aircraft has forced iafs hand to look for short term stop gap...
  3. S

    was 3/3 an inside job?

    Reports r emerging that the pakistani security forces had not taken standard security measures to protect visiting srilankan cricket team and icc match officials. Australian umpires simon taufel,steve davis and icc match refree chris broad have all slammed adding to insult it has now emerged...
  4. S

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    guys stop this mindless finger pointing and pray for the 5 policemen who laid down their lives to protect cricketers may god give their families and kids courage to deal with this ghastly deed and give them strength to deal with this loss amen
  5. S

    WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

    all u guys stops this bullshit finger pointing and spare a thought for 5 policemen who laid down their lives to protect the cricketers and pray for their kids and families in their hour of sorrow may god give them courage amen
  6. S

    Delilah standoff precision strike missile in iaf's inventory

    their r reports emerging that imi has succsesfully integrated and tested air launched version of Delilah standoff precision strike missile the missile is for now will only be able to be launched from mirage 2000 after few modifications this tests took in december 2008 it is also to be noted...
  7. S

    Karachi, the economic Hub of Pakistan is the next target of talibans.

    i saw a report about this same topic in a bbc weekly current affairs programme called newsnight there was a video report from karachi is it true its happening also their r reports flying around that taliban is going to takeover pakistan i guess zardari said so how true is it or is it just roumur
  8. S

    Shoe Thrown At Chinese Premier

    and u seem to be certain u know a lot about conditions in iraq how can u b certain iraqi journo was right about his action all i can say is one mans hero is other guys terrorist.:sniper::sniper::sniper:
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    Shoe Thrown At Chinese Premier

    that explains growing number of chinese millionaires in last decade :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Shoe Thrown At Chinese Premier

    well we can say the same about the iraqi journo throwing shoe at george bush did he had guts to do the same had he been in us well he was called a islamic hero for doing so i m sure this cambridge guy will be a hero in tibet wonder ther should be a statue of him in tibet & even i m dying to buy...
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    Shoe Thrown At Chinese Premier

    A protester has been arrested and charged by police after throwing a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao as he delivered a speech at Cambridge University. heres the link...
  12. S

    120,000 Indian troops for Afghanistan or hot air

    this story is very much true and is unfolding day after day yes india is going to station its foces in afghanistan by some estimate india has already got close to 10000 troops in afghanistan there were several meeting between us officials and goi as well as bjp party working commitee panel to...
  13. S

    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    well folks as the thread israeli f 16 in india has been closed i m going to post the update about it in this thread,as i said israeli phalcons r already in india{not phalcons mounted on il 78} many people have confirmed about this the situation about f 16 is very hush hush,but i think chances of...
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    Pakistan’s plight and what needs to be done

    ice cold just want to know why the thread about israeli f 16 in india has been closed ihave some updates about the topic i need to post thank u
  15. S

    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    well folkshello to u and a very happy new year,remeber me i m the one who broke first the news about israeli phalcons in india{actual israeli jets with israeli markings}.Well guys i want to ask why the thread called "israeli f 16 in india" has been closed. i wanted to post some updates on the...
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