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Recent content by sylheti-soldier

  1. sylheti-soldier

    MBT-2000 of Bangladesh Army Have Arrived In Chittagong Port

  2. sylheti-soldier

    MBT-2000 of Bangladesh Army Have Arrived In Chittagong Port

    MBT-2000 of Bangladesh Army Have Arrived In Chittagong Port. MBT-2000 is a 3rd gen one of the most modern battle tank... Its multinational Tank ! Engine : Ukraine Body :China Gun barrel : German design produce under license in China Electronics : China probably based on western design
  3. sylheti-soldier

    MBT-2000 of Bangladesh Army Have Arrived In Chittagong Port

    MBT-2000 of Bangladesh Army Have Arrived In Chittagong Port. MBT-2000 is a 3rd gen one of the most modern battle tank... Its multinational Tank ! Engine : Ukraine Body :China Gun barrel : German design produce under license in China Electronics : China probably based on western design
  4. sylheti-soldier

    PM Hasina calls for end to Palestine occupation

    Palestine PM have thanked Bangladesh PM.
  5. sylheti-soldier

    Tata Motors enters Bangladesh car market

    Bangladesh is More Better Then India......
  6. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Naval ship in Colombo

    For attending the function of 50th anniversary of Sri lanka navy?
  7. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Air Force

    F-7BGI is looking smart.... Isnt it?
  8. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Army

    There is a saying in Bangla which loosely translated means “those women who can weave a braid can also cook! In uniform they are keeper of peace, law and order at the same time, a wife and a mother at home .. I salute them!
  9. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Air Force

    Somebody have removed my name from pic of 4 F-7BG. That pic ws posted my me in DPB.
  10. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Navy

    Thanx for sharing pics of my fb page :thank_you2: Admin \C.M/
  11. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Navy (BN) Ordered Two Type 056 Corvette

    Yap. Its a begining of new era. :victory:
  12. sylheti-soldier

    Bangladesh Navy (BN) Ordered Two Type 056 Corvette

    The Chinese people call this Type 056 as light frigate, but I think Corvette would be better name for it. Whats your opinion about this?
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