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Recent content by Tamilnadu

  1. T

    Turkey to repair dozens of mosques in Syria

    I asked you a question on your post,reading your post is enough.and i again repeat. How will mosques help people to prosper ? If you cant answer dont quote me ,i will take it as you dont know the answer and leave it at that.
  2. T

    New Life in New Zealand for Syrian refugees

    it all starts this way every where.good luck NZ
  3. T

    Why India can’t defeat Pakistan or China in a war

    You call India coward because you think we want US to fight Pakistan for us(thats an insult to India if you say we need someone else to fight a country the size of Pakistan).and in the same breath you say china will fight for Pakistan,does that make Pakistan cowards tooo.:-)
  4. T

    Turkey to repair dozens of mosques in Syria

    How will mosques help the people to prosper.Syria needs schools and hospitals,money could have been spent wisely.
  5. T

    American comedian Jeremy McLellan gets abused for calling out cow vigilantes

    there is so much talk about beef ban all these months.i travel lot in the south in the last one year,you get beef openly in south.am i missing something.
  6. T

    13 Indians killed in US' mother of all bombs attack

    Good to know you are moving away from being a islamic banna replublic to islamic republic. and regarding India isnt that what you guys have been saying for decades now.hey but you can keep waiting as long as you want. We are fine as long as we get recrutes from your society,we are good.
  7. T

    13 Indians killed in US' mother of all bombs attack

    Who told you Pakistans problem ended and Indias started,did someone wisper it in your ears ? You can keep believing though.
  8. T

    13 Indians killed in US' mother of all bombs attack

    You can hunt all you want,its your men. We will recrute new ones from your own society which creates them. You guys are small for us,you can always make Afghanistan hell for Indians.but we can make Pakistan hell for you if we have the same mindset as Pakistanies but thats another story.
  9. T

    [Interpol] Warrant issued for Guo Wengui, Chinese billionaire threatening to expose corruption

    Can you tell me how Interpol alerts have been issued by China for giving money other than this guy in the past. ? answer that. You will know whats right in this Indian poster and whats wrong with Chinese posters.
  10. T

    13 Indians killed in US' mother of all bombs attack

    Yeah,tell that to Pakistanis with tunnel vision who claim India has to getout of Afghanistan for stability of the region.tell them qe are isolated in Afghanistan and have no say.Please tell them its Pakistan which has to give up its influence on taliban for stability in Afghanistan..
  11. T

    [Interpol] Warrant issued for Guo Wengui, Chinese billionaire threatening to expose corruption

    Interpol alert for someone who wants to expose corruption, whats wrong with China.
  12. T

    Jinnah’s 2-nation theory triumphs in Kashmir

    Any source for this or its my interpretation.he knew they cannt live peacefull with hindus,India ,Pakistan happened. Then he knew They cannt live peacefully among them self,ethnic,punjabi Pakistan,bengali BD. The 4th i guess he knew they cannt live peacefully with others might be sunni Pakistan...
  13. T

    Jinnah’s 2-nation theory triumphs in Kashmir

    Then what does Pakistan want if not the land,take all the people who cannt live with India peacefully since you care about people.
  14. T

    Jinnah’s 2-nation theory triumphs in Kashmir

    I am not sure if jinnahs 2 nation theory triump,i am sure he was not asking for what is Pakistan today. India is secular country any one can live here peacefully as along as they are with in the constitution of India.if some sunni wahabi dsnt want to live in India,its not the failure of...
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