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  1. T

    The message from Pak military top brass to PDM straight up

    Who opened the courts on Saturday night? Who dictated the Supreme Court decision about the NCM which had highly specific parliamentary language? Who is disappearing PTI SM volunteers? Bajwa and Co. Militray high command implicit in all that is going on but they have never face a phenomenon...
  2. T


    Do you think the Judiciary just acted on its own to once again side with corrupt thieves? This was all orcchestrated by three people….Bajwa, Anjum and Abbas.
  3. T

    Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

    Lets be clear again….the Armed Forces are not the issue. The corrupt, fat compromised generals who sit at the top are the issue. You know, the ones who have their entire chest and tids full of medals while the pilots, seamen and jawans are the ones fighting. The ones with kids in London and...
  4. T

    Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

    This morning and tomorrow morning i have and will initiate the liquidation of all my dollar accounts and rupee accounts in pakistan. My parents, cousins, siblings and other overseas relatives are all doing the same. I feel bad bc it will make things difficult for the average Pakistani but we...
  5. T

    Is the military corrupt?

    Elite of military especially in army are as corrupt as any other institution of pakistan. Is it a strong fighting force? Yes. Is it capable? Yes. But anyone in senior ranks is highly likely to be a corrupt kanjar just like bandial or cherry blossom.
  6. T

    An Important Message to PTI Supporters

    Here is the harsh reality….the “establishment” that is the top leaders of our armed forces are totally compromised self interested traitors. There is no two ways around this. Where is Bajwa’s son? Where are Kayani’s kids? Where are Musahrraf’s kids? All in the west or Middle East. I wish...
  7. T

    Beggars should not dream about Burgers!!

    When Cherry Blossom made this statement he was speaking HIS truth. For these families, the average Pakistani is a beggar on the street. If we are bombed, starve, raped, robbed, illiterate, occupied or enslaved it doesn’t matter to them at all. Bc we are beggars on the street who serve one...
  8. T

    Khawaja Asif said that America put us on ventilator, he gives us oxygen, Imran did wrong by name, America

    When your elites and leaders all have green cards and investments in the west and kids living in the west this is what happens. I am truly ashamed of our nation today.
  9. T

    Without the reformation of the Establishment, there can be no change in Pakistan.

    One would expect the establishment to actually think about the future of the nation. What will they do when our economy is completely destroyed by these thieves and they are being confronted by an aggressive confident India, internal economic unrest and a clown show political leadership?
  10. T

    OIC moot: Chinese FM’s remarks on Kashmir anger India

    Yes India shot down entire PAF three years ago, India is occupying Chinese territory not the other way around, Chinese FM just came unannounced and forced his way into a meeting. I pray you all keep thinking like this for many years to come.
  11. T

    OIC moot: Chinese FM’s remarks on Kashmir anger India

    China is so isolated it has a trade surplus with you and you all are welcoming their FM with open arms. LOL kya chutya mulk tum log ho.
  12. T

    Sharif conducted nuclear tests despite international pressure : Rana Sanaullah

    Rana Sanaullah is a criminal gangster who cannot avoid lying. In fact, it is well known Nawaz Sharif refused to even press the button to detonate the bomb. He was encouraged three times to press the button and he said with his hands folded and said im not pressing it. Abdul Qadeer Khan ended...
  13. T

    PTI workers stage violent protest, enter Sindh House in Islamabad by force

    Imran Khan doesn’t have undeclared money outside of Pakistan. He doesn’t have a work permit in Qatar. He doesn’t have children who are proclaimed offenders denying they are Pakistani. He doesn’t fake heart problems or use a wheelchair when he is deposed in court then do Bhangra at a political...
  14. T

    The Game is in the final over what are the possible political outcomes

    Imran Khan is not going anywhere. He may lose the vote. But he isn’t a corrupt goon so he won’t need to run to London or fake an illness. His party isn’t a family mafia. People are with him bc they support his vision. Yes indeed it was a big mistake to seize power by wooing these lotas...
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