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Recent content by ummarz

  1. ummarz

    Indian Female Students Assaulted By Ukrainian Soldiers

    Sad to see that the brown skinned Taliban treated their enemy better than how the blue eyed, white skin civilized treated their guests.
  2. ummarz

    Can India do what Russia did in Ukraine? -Gen. Tariq

    Would love to hear more on this from you.
  3. ummarz

    Can India do what Russia did in Ukraine? -Gen. Tariq

    Ok bro thanks for letting us know, we will just be sitting around twiddling our thumbs. You need air superiority for that. Good luck lol
  4. ummarz

    Can India do what Russia did in Ukraine? -Gen. Tariq

    Like other members here pointed out, PAK is not Ukraine and India is not Russia. There aren't pro India separatists in Pak that India could exploit, however there are in IOK. Pak has tactical nukes, Pak will try their best to fight off Indian armour in Rajasthan by conventional means, how ever...
  5. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    Gotcha. I feel distilling Pakistans role in AFG as simply a proxy is too simple. It's important to mention that by this simplification method, all political factions in AFG would then be somebodies proxy. And going by that standard Pakistan didn't do anything different than what other parties...
  6. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    Not familiar with the Iraq analogy, but the rest is a decent explanation of the highly nuanced situation. The one place I would add a bit of fine print is that Pakistan's policy has not always been based on self interest. For-example, taking in Afghan refugees was something that is truly a...
  7. ummarz

    Wheat donation to Kabul withdrawn

    TBH the whole idea that somehow if Taliban come into power in Afghanistan then Kashmir will be next is your phobia. Your media fed that idea to you until you start believing it. The Pakistanis that did comment on that, just enjoyed seeing the fear on your side lol. Besides the last time when...
  8. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    Bro I enjoy reading your posts. I know you are a patriot, but today I learned that you are also dangerous lol
  9. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    This topic is about Afghanistan. We know very well what is brewing in India. So far your solution is, to make them realize that they can't mess with us... lol. Do you really expect those who have nothing but a gun, half of their family dead, traumatized and more drugs than food in their country...
  10. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    True that we have helped them a lot in the last few decades. It is also true that to truly prosper, Afghanistan can't do it without good relations with Pakistan. And Pakistan can't fully prosper without a stable prosperous Afghanistan, because last time I checked, Iran has sanctions and we can't...
  11. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    'permanently liquidating/eradicating' people for hating you is wrong and unethical. Please don't let your anger/frustration blind your judgement. I can understand why you are frustrated to suggest such harsh and brutal measures, but there are other ways of dealing with this than what you...
  12. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    So you are suggesting we do what we put India down for doing in Assam? Who do we throw out? Everybody since soviet wars?, what about those who were born in Pakistan? You suggest we kill innocents?
  13. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    Enough is not the same as all. A smart man will blame Modi, but not all of India. A smart man will blame an ideology rather than a whole group of people. When you say all Afghans, you will turn away neutral Afghans. you said "they need to realise a conflict with Pakistan is way past their...
  14. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    Now that I have shown you, would you take your words back about what you said to me. If not, at least think twice before you make remarks like that in the future. I am worried about Pakistan, worried that if our western flank doesn't stabilize soon we are gonna be in financial trouble, as we...
  15. ummarz

    Unconfirmed 9 Afghan Casualties at CHAMAN

    let me link it for you, this is just one example Anybody who has radiation poisoning can become the source and then spread it to anybody they meet, including innocent women and children. @KaiserX other than calling for killing of innocents I have no issue. I feel quite satisfied anytime...
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