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  1. War Eagle

    “Americans Will Be Poor Overnight!” - Reaction To China & Brazil Agreement To Ditch US Dollar

    1) No, this doesn't threaten the U.S dollar as the world's reserve currency. They're exaggerating because that's their grift strategy to get and keep viewers. 2) If Americans became poor overnight, China would be in huge trouble. We're the largest single export partner for China. U.S...
  2. War Eagle

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    That's actually pretty impressive for MENA. It seems like very few North African militaries worry about the fundamentals and importance of communication systems in combat. Very nice for Algeria to have a solid radio and computer production lines. Hopefully they keep developing the Cyber and...
  3. War Eagle

    Discussion of Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups

    The vast majority of Iran's oil and by extension government revenue comes from an Arab province... Ahwaz. I imagine Ahwaz Arabs prefer their oil revenue be spent on other Arabs as opposed to helping the Persians occupying them.
  4. War Eagle

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    I doubt that. Russia's use of attack helicopters has dramatically fallen from the beginning of the war, they get picked off pretty easily due to a proliferation of MANPADs. Lancet drones are few and far between. They really haven't been deployed on the mass scale that would be expected of...
  5. War Eagle

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    Still no magazine pouches on body armor. A bayonet but no optics... really? Do they seriously still not see the issue?
  6. War Eagle

    China’s new supercarrier will soon undergo first sea trials, officer says

    While still being non-Nuclear? I guess that's fine if they don't plan on straying too far in a combat situation. But it's not great for future system improvements. The most crucial part of the sea trials will be the stress testing for the EMALS by far. So it's interesting how quickly they're...
  7. War Eagle

    China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) | Railway

    Is there any plan to transition to standard gauges or will they be sticking to Indian gauge for all new/updated railways?
  8. War Eagle

    Qatar orders the SAMP/T air defense system

    Considering they have a pretty large sovereign wealth fund, I doubt it. It's worth over 300 Billion dollars.
  9. War Eagle

    The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion

    And this is on the basis of what logic exactly? Nope. Definitely not. It's more so. Sectarianism has creped into every corner and crevice of government institutions. I'm replying to someone talking about making an autonomous Iraqi province similar to the KRG on the basis of their sect. What...
  10. War Eagle

    The Iraqi deteriorating security and rogue elements - why it could lead to potential operation in Iraq and invasion

    Iraqi Sunnis are screwed beyond belief. They would have no ability to maintain a defensive force of their own, let alone gain autonomy. Both the Iraq invasion and war against Daesh has bled Iraqi Sunnis absolutely dry. None of the men remaining are willing to fight especially considering that...
  11. War Eagle

    Bahrain buys Israeli radars and anti-drone systems

    Turkey actually is developing those things. It's obvious that the GCC ruling class have zero principles have sold out any sensible foreign policy in favor of complete Israeli bootlicking. And no, buying from the U.S, U.K, or France is not the same as supporting Israel. Because these countries...
  12. War Eagle

    Teenage superstar Eileen Gu stuns America with defection to China

    Superstar? She's definitely not one. As for her switching... who cares?
  13. War Eagle

    Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

    I'm honestly surprised how little interest there seems to be for the JF-17 by Egypt. It seems to be a good fit for them. A low cost multi-role that complements the F-16 would be a shoe in to replace the mirages that Egypt operates. Egypt could get a pretty big order especially considering how...
  14. War Eagle

    Yemen: more than 200 feared dead or injured after airstrike on prison

    That's obscene. The UAE and Saudi Arabia really are just striking wildly without care.
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