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Recent content by Zulqernain_Ahmed

  1. Z

    $11-Million Monument to Benazir Bhutto: APPROVED

    dude,army interferes in every matter in Pakistan even if it's a trivial one
  2. Z

    China’s assertiveness is increasing: Antony

    no country should trust China....It's a ruthless state....Tibet should be freed from China
  3. Z

    $11-Million Monument to Benazir Bhutto: APPROVED

    Pakistan army will never allow to build a monument of someone who gave them a hard time in Pakistan
  4. Z

    Signs of Independence - Burning Kashmir by Zaheerul Hassan

    the fact is that the seperatists like Syed Shah Geelani and Mirwaiz are inciting violence in Kashmir....what ridiculous about this is that they call it as "peaceful protests"...both of them should be booked
  5. Z

    Salman Khan Said both countries havign same problem

    Salman Khan is an actor and he acts all the time....he is not a civil servant.....nobody gives a damn to what he said in India....so Pakistan should not take his comments seriously.....it was yet another publicity stunt from him
  6. Z

    Pakistan: Economy First, Education Second, Democracy Third

    Ahmed Qureshi has lost his mental balance...he is very much influenced by Zaid Hamid who is a downright moron...both of them keep ranting on Pakistani TV channels.....we must simply ignore them
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