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  1. hasang20

    Worlds Poorest Nations !

    NationMaster - Poverty > Share of all poor people (most recent) by country Pakistan # 4 only 3.86 % i would like to see some Indians coming up with shinning India you can look for more sources Dec 08 CIA Factbook NationMaster - Economic freedom (most recent) by country NationMaster -...
  2. hasang20

    air base in YEMEN

    how about change the topic to Bangladesh and Sri-Lanka to have a airbase.
  3. hasang20

    Mosques under attack

    OMG so pathetic i just cant read it breaks my heart into couple of thousand pieces my brothers die in Palestine i couldnt do anything SHAME ON ME < _ _
  4. hasang20

    Volatile India-Pakistan Standoff In 11,680th Day

    a peacefull solution !
  5. hasang20

    Royal Saudi Airforce # 2

    Royal Saudi Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Saudi_Airforce#Current_aircraft_inventory total of 840+ aircraft the most advance fighters we should borrow 100 of them enuff to take out Israel not once but 3 times ; cut supplies of oil to USA/Israel...
  6. hasang20

    Indian Nuclear Missiles.

    see for yourself not too long ago its in 2007
  7. hasang20

    Target Pakistan ?

    htthe battle for Afghanistan and Iraq may be heading for stalemate and a quagmire. The Americans are now targeting Pakistan on almost a daily basis as unmanned drones crisscross into Pakistani territory and strike targets deep inside sovereign Pakistani airspace. While the Government in...
  8. hasang20

    16 groups figthing in India to gain Independence

    i was watching AJJ TV and thier were interviewing Pakistan Foriegh affair officer and he said there are 16groups in India fighting for Independence if thats true i think NATO and US should help them gain Independence and Pakistan should too
  9. hasang20

    US is going to raid in Pakistan.

    U.S. justifies cross-border strikes - GEO.tv WASHINGTON: A country should have the right to attack another if it is harbouring a potential terrorist threat, the U.S. homeland security chief said in remarks appearing to justify recent U.S. raids in Pakistan and Syria. Laying out what amounts...
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