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  1. Bismarck

    Netanyahu hails Israel, UAE deal to normalize ties

    Netanyahu hails Israel, UAE deal to normalize ties Development marks only 3rd time Arab nation has opened full diplomatic ties with Israel Ali Abo Rezeg and Zehra Nur Duz |13.08.2020 ANKARA Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday touted his country’s new peace deal with the United...
  2. Bismarck

    Featured Libya: GNA calls Egypt's military threat 'declaration of war'

    Egyptian president warned of 'direct' intervention in Libya, citing the need to protect Egypt's porous border. Libya's UN-recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) has denounced Egypt's warning of military intervention in Libya, labelling it a "declaration of war". On Saturday, Egyptian...
  3. Bismarck

    US: EU mission not doing enough to halt arms shipments to Libya

    US diplomat shares Turkey's criticism Irini is biased, says it fails to stop embargo violations by Egypt, UAE, Russia. A European Union mission to stop arms shipments to war-torn Libya is not "serious", a senior US diplomat has said, accusing the bloc of not doing enough to end violations of a...
  4. Bismarck

    Persian Gulf Could be a New Front in US-China Competition

    As the rivalry between the United States and China spirals into a new cold war, it carries the potential to widen and deepen many geopolitical fault lines in world politics. One such fault line is dangerously embedded in the strategically vital, oil-rich, but unstable, Persian Gulf. It divides...
  5. Bismarck

    Qatar Says 'Blockading States' Will Face Justice after ICJ Ruling

    Qatar on Tuesday welcomed a ruling by the International Court of Justice that backed Doha in an aviation dispute with neighboring states, saying the blockading countries will face justice for violating international rules. "We welcome today's decision by the ICJ that will see the blockading...
  6. Bismarck

    China: Uighur women reportedly sterilized in attempt to suppress population

    Two Uighur majority counties in Xinjiang province reportedly planned to sterilize between 14% and 34% of women aged between 18 and 49. Politicians around the world are calling on the UN to investigate the claims. Several countries have this week condemned China over reports it systematically and...
  7. Bismarck

    Senate approves final sanctions bill to punish China over Hong Kong

    Washington (CNN)The US Senate has approved a final version of legislation that would punish China for moves that lawmakers fear will crush democratic freedoms in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Autonomy Act would impose sanctions on businesses and individuals that help China restrict Hong Kong's...
  8. Bismarck

    U.S. Missiles Found in Libyan Rebel Camp Were First Sold to France

    U.S. Missiles Found in Libyan Rebel Camp Were First Sold to France Libyan soldiers inspected weapons that were confiscated from rebel forces led by Gen. Khalifa Hifter in Gheryan, Libya, last month.Credit...Ismail Zitouny/Reuters By Eric Schmitt and Declan Walsh July 9, 2019 WASHINGTON —...
  9. Bismarck

    China forcing birth control on Uighurs to suppress population, report says

    China is forcing women to be sterilised or fitted with contraceptive devices in Xinjiang in an apparent attempt to limit the population of Muslim Uighurs, according to new research. The report, by China scholar Adrian Zenz, has prompted international calls for the United Nations to investigate...
  10. Bismarck

    The U.S. commends Malta’s seizure of $1.1 billion of counterfeit Libyan currency printed by a Russia

    The U.S. commends Malta’s seizure of $1.1 billion of counterfeit Libyan currency printed by a Russian state-owned company & ordered by an illegitimate parallel entity; highlighting the need for Russia to cease its malign & destabilizing actions in #Libya. U.S. Embassy - Libya auf Twitter:
  11. Bismarck

    Largest hydropower dam in Turkey powers up first turbine

    Largest hydropower dam in Turkey powers up first turbine 3 HOURS AGO Turkey's newly built Hydroelectric Power Plant Dam in southeastern Turkey is expected to contribute over $413M to the country's economy. This aerial image shows the Ilisu Dam, one of the largest hydropower projects in...
  12. Bismarck

    UAE princess hits out against Islamophobic posts by Indian expats

    UAE princess hits out against Islamophobic posts by Indian expats April 22, 2020 at 2:10 pm Princess Hend Al-Qassimi of the UAE has spoken out against Islamophobic social media posts by an Indian expat working in the Emirates. “The ruling family is friends with Indians, but as a royal...
  13. Bismarck

    A case of hantavirus has been reported in China. Here's why you shouldn't worry.

    A man who died in China Monday reportedly tested positive for a hantavirus, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should worry another pandemic is coming. Hantaviruses are a family of virus that spread through rodents, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Yunnan...
  14. Bismarck

    Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s

    Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s I’ve always been appalled at the fact my Turkish father’s aunt was forced to marry the man who raped her when she was a teenager. I try to console myself with the fact this was a Turkish village in the 1950s and...
  15. Bismarck

    U.S. will aim to persuade others to 'call out' China over Uighurs at U.N. - Pompeo

    U.S. will aim to persuade others to 'call out' China over Uighurs at U.N. - Pompeo Sun, 09/08/2019 - 20:19 Reuters David Brunnstrom, Matt Spetalnick SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 / 1:35 PM WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday the United States would use the United...
  16. Bismarck

    Pakistani Nuke umbrella for Turkey?

    Few days ago, I have heard a conversation between some Turks and Pakistanis. The topic was a wihdraw of U.S nukes from Turkey and a possible gap filler by Pakistan. How possible is a deployment of Pakistani nukes in Turkey. What do you think, would Pakistan protect you with own nukes or give...
  17. Bismarck

    Turkey plans for record-breaking day in tree planting

    Turkey plans for record-breaking day in tree planting DAILY SABAH ISTANBUL Published22.08.201900:20 A woman helps two children plant a tree in Diyarbakır, Feb. 19, 2018. Turkey regularly holds afforestation drives to increase the number of trees. At 11 a.m. on Nov. 11, the Ministry of...
  18. Bismarck

    Shaping the Future of European Air Defence Eurosam Opens a New Chapter for Turkey

    Shaping the Future of European Air Defence Eurosam Opens a New Chapter for Turkey Mr. Eric DELEPOULLE: “Eurosam offers the ASTER 30 Block 1NT for joint development to support Turkey’s indigenous missile defence development program and strengthen the co-operation between our countries.” The...
  19. Bismarck

    Hui Neighborhoods “Sinicized,” Spreading Fear Among Residents

    Hui Neighborhoods “Sinicized,” Spreading Fear Among Residents 08/10/2019MA XIAGU Buildings in traditional Islamic style and any signs with relevance to Muslim faith are disappearing from areas inhabited by China’s Hui Muslims. by Ma Xiagu A public square loses all Islamic characteristics...
  20. Bismarck

    Turkey sends delegation to China to observe Uighur situation

    Turkey sends delegation to China to observe Uighur situation Associated PressJuly 30, 2019, 5:22 PM GMT+2 ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey's foreign minister says a delegation will visit China's northwestern Xinjiang region to observe the situation of minority Uighur Turks. Foreign Minister Mevlut...
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