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  1. E

    Thin-skinned Indians can't take jokes

    This article pretty much describes most of the Indians in PDF. ------- The expressions of hurt and outrage in India that followed recent jokes by late-night comedian Jay Leno and the hosts of the BBC program "Top Gear," along with treason charges against a cartoonist, have sparked a debate...
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    Iran, India in student expulsion war

    India may be in tandem with Iran on oil, but the two countries are sparring over their students. In an apparent retaliation, Iran has expelled four Indian students after India had sent several Iranian students back over the past several months. The issue seems unrelated to the oil issue, but...
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    Former Indian army vice-chief booked in the army land scam case

    The Indian Army has been entangled in another land case, after the Adarsh and Sukna scams, with the CBI on Monday booking two retired officers — including former southern command chief and vice-chief of army staff Lt Gen (retired) Nobel Thamburaj — and a local builder. The agency accused...
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    India Food Bill Stumbling?

    Indian Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar has lashed out at Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s dream project, namely the National Food Security Bill, which the government introduced in the Lok Sabha on December 22. Pawar went on record as saying that there are insufficient funds to implement...
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    Indian beaten to death for hogging toilet too long

    In a bizarre act of savagery, a 26-year-old man was thrashed to death by another man for spending too much time inside a public urinal. The 40-year-old murderer allegedly lost patience and began pounding the victim as soon as the latter emerged from the urinal. According to police, Saiman...
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    Use of child labour in households growing in India, at least 13 millions

    Pointing to a rise in child labour in domestic units, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) is seeking to bring households under the ambit of labour laws. India is estimated to have at least 13 million child labourers. "There is growth in child labour, especially in...
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    Punjab, bread basket of India, going hungry

    (Reuters) - Punjab made Sunil Jain's family rich, but now he wishes he could afford to leave. Almost every day, the lights go out and machines shut down at the two factories of his $3-million-a-year packaging business. When the power goes out, the plants have to use generators, at up to three...
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    Warm climate spells doom for bread basket in India

    India’s bread basket faces a serious threat from rising temperature due to climate change, according to a new study that suggests a sharp dip in wheat productivity in India if mercury goes north. Extreme heat can accelerate wheat aging, reducing yield.Extreme heat can accelerate wheat aging...
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    David Fincher to India censors: No fvcking way

    India will not be releasing The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. According to The Hollywood Reporter, India's Central Board of Film Certification demanded some pretty big content cuts. To which David Fincher said, "No fvcking way." Having cringed my way through Fincher's film, I'll acknowledge that...
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    Bangladeshi pirates kill 3 Indian fishermen

    Bangladeshi pirates attacked three Indian trawlers in the Bay of Bengal killing three fishermen, including a father and a son, and hijacked one of these vessels holding 14 fishermen captive. Nine fishermen were also injured in the firing by the eight pirates late last night off Kenduakhali in...
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    The fall of ex-ISRO chief Madhavan Nair

    Two years ago, space scientist G Madhavan Nair was India’s pride when he was crowned with Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian honour. Today he is on the blacklist of the same government! The government of India has barred him from holding any of its posts, now or ever. The...
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    India to pay gold instead of dollars for Iranian oil

    India is the first buyer of Iranian oil to agree to pay for its purchases in gold instead of the US dollar, debkafile's intelligence and Iranian sources report exclusively. Those sources expect China to follow suit. India and China take about one million barrels per day, or 40 percent of Iran's...
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    Maoist rebels kill 13 cops in eastern India

    RANCHI, India — A roadside bomb blast killed 13 police officers Saturday in eastern India — an attack that authorities attributed to Maoist rebels. It is the second major attack on police since the killing of Maoist guerrilla leader Koteswar Rao, aka Kishenji, in November in the eastern state...
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    Families of 27 Kashmiris killed by Indians 19 years ago yet to get justice

    Srinagar, January 27 (KMS): In occupied Kashmir, justice eludes families of 27 innocent Kashmiris killed by Indian troops in Kupwara for observing strike on India’s Republic Day, nineteen years ago, today. The eyewitnesses, while revealing details of the fateful day during a media interview...
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    US vice president Biden mocked India again

    In a speech in New Hampshire on Thursday, while talking about call center jobs, United States vice president Joe Biden appeared to slip into an “Indian” accent before thinking better of it and stopping in mid-sentence. The accent was so badly done that some commentators immediately speculated...
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    A Myraid of Problems in India- Thread

    On February 28th 2012 over 100,000,000 Indian workers will come out on strike. Workers from many unions and sectors are trying to gain improvements in areas such as, pay, pensions, and employment rights. The strike has been called because workers have said 'enough is enough', after two years...
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    Indian girl killed as sacrifice for a good harvest

    A seven-year-old Indian girl, Lalita Tati, was kidnapped in the remote village of Jailwara in Chhattisgarh state, and murdered as a sacrifice to a goddess for a good harvest. She was reported abducted in October and was found one week later mutilated and her organs had been cut out for the...
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    2011 India's year best forgotten

    2011 India has been so deeply mired in political paralysis that the Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen recently said that the country has 'fallen from being the second best to the second worst' South Asian country, and that it is currently 'no match for China' on social indicators. This is a...
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    Delhi ignores own earthquake peril warnings

    (AP) NEW DELHI — The ramshackle neighborhoods of northeast Delhi are home to 2.2 million people packed along narrow alleys. Buildings are made from a single layer of brick. Extra floors are added to dilapidated buildings not meant to handle their weight. Tangles of electrical cables hang...
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    India following China down the wrong path with Rushdie censorship

    (Reuters Breakingviews) - There are many things about China that India would love to emulate. Attitudes to freedom of expression should not be one of them. India's slower growth is often defended as a price worth paying for freedom and democracy. But censoring Salman Rushdie and censuring Jay...
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