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  1. F

    Should there be a Population Swap in South Asia?

    Who would be Going Out? For Pakistan: 2 Million Illegal Bangladeshis would be Sent Back to Bangladesh. (Link) All the Hindus and Sikhs can Come Back to India. For India: 30 Million Illegal Bangladeshis can Get Lost to Bangladesh (Link) All the Kashmiris who want to Separate from...
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    HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese

    More than half of the Hong Kong residents who responded to a recent survey said their quality of life is worse than prior to 1997, when Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule, according to the poll results released by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Tuesday. In the survey of 878 Hong Kong...
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    Syria arrests over 40 Germans for smuggling arms

    An alternative news weblog, the NSNBC, cited a German journalist as saying that the German nationals are the employees of a "security firm." The weblog report further said that the Germans were detained while attempting to smuggle arms and ammunition from a cargo vessel in the international...
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    Couple gets 100 Lashes under Islamic Sharia Law

    The conservatists occupying northern Mali on Wednesday gave a couple 100 lashes of a whip for having a child out of wedlock as they continue enforcing sharia law, witnesses told AFP. “At Sankore Square in Timbuktu, a man and a woman got 100 lashes for having had a child outside of marriage,”...
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    Mao is Like My Father: Dalai Lama

    Recalling his "very good" relations with Chairman Mao Zedong, the Dalai Lama on Sunday said that he considered him "a father" and that the late Chinese leader considered him "a son". The Dalai Lama, who is on a visit to the UK for public talks and appearances, recalled an interesting anecdote...
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    How Saudi Arabia wants to Finish of Iran

    The Saudi endgame for Iran Wars bring together states in common purpose and create myths of unity and friendship. Such myths are eagerly bought by the media and general publics alike. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, there is considerable squabbling that only becomes apparent when the war is...
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    Burqa Wearing Taliban Targetted Prostitutes in the Hotel Attack

    A MINIVAN pulled up to the entrance of the Spozhmai Hotel at Qargha Lake just before midnight on Thursday, and what appeared to be seven Afghan women in characteristic head-to-toe blue burqas piled out. Throwing off the burqas, the women turned out to be male insurgents, bristling with weapons...
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    Pakistan Lags Behind Bangladesh in Attracting FDI

    KARACHI: The inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) has remained low in Pakistan when compared with some of the emerging economies in the South Asian region, especially Bangladesh, which shares a number of similarities with Pakistan. A recent report released by the State Bank of Pakistan...
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    Taliban Fighters Studying in Turkey

    Afghan sources in Turkey say about One hundred members of the Taliban terrorist group are studying at Turkish universities, Press TV reports. With privileges provided by the Turkish government, members of the Afghan terrorist group are studying, mainly in the western city of Izmir, the...
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    Saudi Arabia and Turkey are Satanic Powers: Iran

    A group of CIA agents are helping anti-government armed gangs in Syria in their fight against the Damascus government, a report says. According to a New York Times report published on Thursday, some US and Arab intelligence officials say a group of “CIA officers are operating secretly in...
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    Diaoyu Islands Belong to Japan: Taiwan

    Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui Reaffirms: Diaoyu Islands are Japanese Territory Tokyo Governor Ishihara Shintaro recently suggested paying money to buy the Diaoyu Islands [aka Senkaku Islands]. [Former Taiwanese President] Lee Teng-hui said Ishihara did not make clear who the islands would be...
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    Muslims Threathened by Sinhalas

    COLOMBO — Sri Lanka's main Muslim party called on the government on Monday to protect religious minorities after protests by Buddhist monks demanding that a 60-year-old mosque be relocated. The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), which is a member of the ruling coalition, said it opposed...
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    Pak doctor who helped US trace Osama gets 33 years in prison

    Pakistani doctor, accused of helping CIA reach the doorsteps of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, was on Wednesday handed down a 33-year rigorous imprisonment for committing treason under the British-era tribal laws. Shakil Afridi was accused of running a CIA-sponsored fake vaccine programme in...
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    Women BSF personel who Shot Dead Pakistani Intruder awarded Gallantry Medal

    Two women BSF personnel who had shot an intruder along Pakistan border last month were today awarded with gallantry medals here. The Border Security Force (BSF) constables, Rina Kaur and Aarti Kaur, were awarded the Director General (DG) commendation medals and citations by Minister of State for...
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    Turkey seeks 10 life sentences for Israeli commanders

    Turkish prosecutor prepares indictments against four top IDF commanders involved in Marmara raid, Sabah newspaper reports. Gabi Ashkenazi, three others to be charged with first degree murder A Turkish prosecutor has prepared an indictment seeking life sentences for four former Israeli military...
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    Israel to Gift Dead Bodies of 130 Palestinian Terroirsts to Palestine

    In gesture to President Abbas, Israel will transfer bodies of 130 Palestinian terrorists buried in Israel to Palestinian Authority Israel will hand over the bodies of 130 terrorists to the Palestinian Authority in a gesture to President Mahmoud Abbas approved by the government several...
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    BAE secures $2.5 billlion Saudi jet deal for Supply for Hawks

    (Reuters) - BAE Systems has signed a 1.6 billion pound deal to supply Saudi Arabia with Hawk jets to train pilots to fly the Eurofighter Typhoon which it has already ordered from UK company. The deal provides some welcome relief for the British defence giant, which is battling against...
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    Why UPA-2 has failed: Voodoo politics and economics

    R Jagannathan How did UPA-2 pull disillusionment (and potential defeat) from the jaws of thumping victory in 2009? What went wrong? Why didn’t anything go right? And why do we think that UPA-1 did better than UPA-2? As the media gets ready to evaluate UPA-2’s performance on the third...
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    Hatred of Arabs deeply rooted in Persians, says Iranian intellectual

    The relationship between Arabs and Persians has always been a source of controversy, not only owing to the contemporary power struggle in the region, but also because of a long history of rivalry that formed an integral part of the national psyche of both people. Iranian intellectual Sadek...
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    Israel Refuses to Sell Naval Barak 2

    Israel has turned down several Turkish requests for advanced military hardware, according to Israeli and Western intelligence sources. Sources in Ankara say that the impact from Prime minister Tayyep Recep Erdogan's alignment with Syria and Iran and poisonous attacks on Israel is...
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