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  1. Banu Umayyah

    Jordan threatens to expel Syrian envoy over missile comments!

    AMMAN (Reuters) - U.S. ally Jordan threatened on Thursday to expel Syria's ambassador, after he warned the kingdom Syrian missiles could be used against Patriot batteries due to be deployed soon along their border. Foreign Minister Nasser Joudeh told state news agency Petra ambassador Bahjat...
  2. Banu Umayyah

    European Nations End Weapons Embargo, Creating Path to Arming Syrian Rebels

    BRUSSELS — European Union foreign ministers on Monday allowed the arms embargo on Syria to lapse, opening the way for member states to provide lethal aid to rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad if they chose. “While we have no immediate plans to send arms to Syria, it gives us...
  3. Banu Umayyah

    Why the Arab League decided war is the only solution

    The Arab League recently authorized & legitimized arms transfer to FSA. Russia & Iran's objection were completely ignored. The tip of balance swung even before that, but non the less, Alwaites insist on digging their own grieves together with Hizballah. Yesterday footage of Assad army...
  4. Banu Umayyah

    When no one was watching, the Syrian rebels started winning.

    Gunning for Damascus When no one was watching, the Syrian rebels started winning. Mideast conflicts have a nasty habit of occurring all at once. And while all eyes have been on Gaza and Israel this past week, several major diplomatic and military developments have occurred on the Syrian...
  5. Banu Umayyah

    France Grants Its Recognition to Syria Rebels

    France Grants Its Recognition to Syria Rebels PARIS — France announced Tuesday that it was recognizing the newly formed Syrian rebel coalition and would consider arming the group, seeking to inject momentum into a broad Western and Arab effort to build a viable and effective opposition...
  6. Banu Umayyah

    Top Lebanese intelligence official killed in Beirut bombing

    Top Lebanese intelligence official killed in Beirut bombing Senior Lebanese intelligence official Wissam al-Hassan, who led the investigation that implicated Syria and Hezbollah in the assassination of former prime minister Rafik al-Hariri, was killed by a huge car bomb in Beirut on Friday...
  7. Banu Umayyah

    The myth of American military superiority

    Not All That It Can Be. The myth of American military superiority. You hear it routinely during congressional events involving defense issues, when a defense secretary wants to protect his budget (or his legacy), and when candidate Barack Obama or his operatives defend the administration's...
  8. Banu Umayyah

    Janet Jackson converts to Islam

    Janet Jackson plans $20m wedding with Qatari billionaire; converts to Islam The extravagant wedding is set to take place in 2013 Janet Jackson and her fiancé Wissam Al Mana are reportedly planning to get married in Doha, Qatar in 2013. The couple hope to tie the knot in Doha where the...
  9. Banu Umayyah

    The Projectionist: Why Bibi can't scare the US into bombing Iran

    The Projectionist: Why Bibi can't scare the US into bombing Iran Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly last week -- accompanied by his puzzling cartoon bomb -- Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a dire threat not only to Israel, but to the...
  10. Banu Umayyah

    Eight Ways To Deal With Iran

    Eight Ways To Deal With Iran The Iranian nuclear program is a complex threat to international peace and stability. In this ambitious paper, former national security advisor Stephen J. Hadley says that stopping it requires an equally complex and sophisticated strategy. The Iranian nuclear...
  11. Banu Umayyah

    How the Arab Spring Killed Hezbollah

    How the Arab Spring Killed Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah has always been more sophisticated than the caricatured nightmare featured in the breathless propaganda of Hezbollah’s many enemies. Even at his most noxious he usually managed to present himself as a man of principle. That’s...
  12. Banu Umayyah

    The Entebbe Option

    The Entebbe Option How the U.S. military thinks Israel might strike Iran. While no one in the Barack Obama administration knows whether Israel will strike Iran's nuclear program, America's war planners are preparing for a wide array of potential Israeli military options -- while also trying...
  13. Banu Umayyah

    Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents

    Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents (watch Translated Video here:Turkish pilots killed by Assad, not crash: leaked documents) As political tensions mount between neighboring Syria and Turkey, newly-leaked Syrian intelligence documents obtained by Al Arabiya disclose...
  14. Banu Umayyah

    War and Bluff: Iran, Israel and the United States

    By George Friedman For the past several months, the Israelis have been threatening to attack Iranian nuclear sites as the United States has pursued a complex policy of avoiding complete opposition to such strikes while making clear it doesn't feel such strikes are necessary. At the same time...
  15. Banu Umayyah

    Assad Dynasty Crumbles

    Assad Dynasty Crumbles Perhaps The Tempest’s “past as prologue” is not an unfair depiction of Syria’s turbulent present days, and its future days to come. In 1972, Syrian-born poet Ali Ahmad Said (known to the world by his penname “Adonis”) was already lamenting Syria’s fractured nature...
  16. Banu Umayyah

    Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack

    Two key Syrian officials killed in Damascus attack: state TV Syria’s state TV said the country’s minister of defense, General Daoud Rajha, and Assad’s brother-in-law have been killed in a suicide attack in Damascus on Wednesday, as raging battles across the capital upped the stakes...
  17. Banu Umayyah

    Mohamed Morsi victory unsettles Middle East neighbours

    Mohamed Morsi victory unsettles Middle East neighbours Domestic issues will dominate the president's agenda, but Egypt's relations within the Middle East will require sensitivity Mohamed Morsi's victory in Egypt's presidential election has brought him congratulations from across the Middle...
  18. Banu Umayyah

    Egypt in peril

    The Arab spring Egypt in peril Beneath the chaos lies a complex power struggle between generals and Islamists. The West should back the latter A YEAR and a half after the optimism of the Arab spring, the Middle East is in frightening turmoil. Syria is close to sliding into a full-scale civil...
  19. Banu Umayyah

    American Torture Method: Songs of War

    MUST watch documentary on the psychopathic American torture methods: You have to be very mentally disturbed person to come up with these ideas. /////////////////// In 2008, reports surfaced that detainees at Guantanamo Bay had been tortured by songs such as Metallica's "Enter Sandman" and...
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