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  1. S

    Was the option to send PM's removed?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but I can't seem to send any kind of messages to anyone on the forum. Was that option removed? Or do I not have privileges? Or am I missing something? Thanks.
  2. S

    1000 posts for Visitor messages?

    Hello. Alright, this 1000 posts thingy for visitor messages is too much. Now how am I supposed to talk with my friends on the forum here?
  3. S

    Need to wake up for 25-30 hours

    Hello people. Okay, my life system is fooked up, I sleep at 9 or 10 AM and wake up at 5 or 6 PM. I need to change my life system. I woke up today at around 6:30 AM. It's 1:07 AM here now, and I'm gonna need to wake up till like 6 or 7 PM and then sleep and hopefully wake up at 6 AM or...
  4. S

    Happy birthday Armstrong

    Happy birthday, man! Wish you a good one :D
  5. S

    2000 posts for PM's?

    Why is there such a limit on sending PM's? Why does a member have to have a two-thousand post count before he can send PM's?
  6. S

    Recommend RTS games?

    Hi everyone, how are you doing? I'm a big fan of RTS games and I specifically like Empire Earth 1 and Age of Empires 2 the conquerors. I'd like you to recommend good games, preferably modern, including tanks, missiles, aircrafts etc.
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